Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Articles written by linda coverdale

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  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Jun 19, 2021

    The gun range will be opening for those who enjoy target shooting. Please call the Whiting Center for hours of operation and rules of use. The tennis courts welcome youth for instructional classes in July. On July 5, there will be instruction for kids 5-12 years of age, and includes ball skills and movement. On July 12, the focus will be on intermediate players, ages 8-14. Due to the ongoing loss of wildlife, a Wildlife Protection Coalition has been set up and will be meeting with some regularity. It is open to all concerned residents. Email...

  • Memorial Day in Bear Valley Springs

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Jun 5, 2021

    On Memorial Day a service took place at the Cub Lake Veteran's Memorial in Bear Valley Springs. Ben Chavez, US Army Vet, gave the introduction and then called for the Pledge of Allegiance. The National Anthem was beautifully rendered by Tamara Solange. Martin Hernandez, the BVSVA Commander, spoke and asked, "Are we worthy of the sacrifices these servicemen gave?" Many Honorees were remembered this day. Each has a plaque on the pillars at Cub Lake Memorial and the widow of each member was called...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|May 22, 2021

    Memorial Day is coming up soon and the Bear Valley Springs Veterans Association will be holding their service at the Veterans Memorial by Cub Lake, May 31 at 11 a.m. Memorial Day supports all service members who died in battle while serving their country. You do not have to be a veteran to attend. Masks and social distancing will be practiced during the event. The pool will be open for public swim on May 29 for the weekend. On June 1, the pool will be open for water aerobics. The class runs...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Apr 24, 2021

    Do you hate seeing litter on the roadsides? A group called the Litter Loathers meets twice a year to clean the roadside between the gate and 202. If you are community-minded and hate seeing our beautiful community messed up, join the Litter Loathers on May 12 at 9 a.m. They meet in the police station parking lot. Remember to wear gloves, a hat, bring water and picker-uppers if you have them. May 12 is also the date for the Meet the Candidates meeting at the OTCC. Three candidates are applying for two positions on the Association Board. The...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Mar 27, 2021

    Our community has had a 10 percent changeover in residency this year and new residents are likely just beginning to find their way around. Our amenities are many and varied with plenty of clubs and facilities, most still open despite the Coronavirus. One feature that may not have yet attracted many new folks, and even some long-time residents, is the Kawaiisu Preserve, which opened officially on October 22, 2017, with a ceremony guided by the local Nuwa elder, Luther Girado, (recently deceased). The ceremony drew in over 100 in attendance. The...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Feb 27, 2021

    The wild boars are back after a five- or six-year hiatus, and they are dangerous to humans or pets. If you suspect them being on your property, the BVPD has cages to trap them. As you all know, no hunting is allowed in the community, and only the police are allowed to trap them, but do call. They are there to help. Uprooted soil is good evidence that the boars are around. The CSD is looking for volunteers for committees, particularly in administration, finance, infrastructure, and public safety....

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Jan 30, 2021

    We have had several new cases of COVID-19 in our community recently. Several individuals have been fortunate enough to get their vaccines as well. Hopefully, we are on our way to lessening the impact of the virus and life can get back on track a little. It would be wonderful for the children and teachers (and the parents) if school classes could resume. Several precautions would need to take place for that to happen. The Association has announced, with deep regret, that the dining room at the...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Jan 2, 2021

    The holiday season is fast upon us, and the community is alight with decorated homes. It will feel like a different season than last year, because of the virus, but if folks hang tight, we can beat this thing. The Community Services District has seated its new members, John Grace and Charles Jensen. It has also picked its new roster of officers for 2021. Greg Hahn is now the president of the Board, and Steve Roberts will serve as vice president. President Hahn and VP Roberts, along with Director Terry Quinn, have two years left in their terms....

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Dec 5, 2020

    Thanksgiving was different this year. Extended family get-togethers were discouraged. And the Country Club was open with limited dining. We hope that by November 2021, this will all be behind us and life can return to normal. The Cultural Arts Association regretted having to cancel the signature Thanksgiving Weekend Holiday Bazaar this year, as well as the Holiday Concert in early December. But, like other events, they have had to be put on hold. As you entered the gate, recently, you would have seen some work in progress. Granite Construction...

  • Honoring our Veterans

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Nov 21, 2020

    On Veteran’s Day, Bear Valley Springs was blessed with pleasant weather, which brought out more than 100 people who gathered at the Veteran’s Memorial, Cub Lake. It was hosted by the Bear Valley Springs Veteran’s Association to honor our veterans and to observe the adding of nine plaques to the Pillars of Honor. These plaques recognize veterans who have lived in our community and since passed on. The service opened with Commander Martin Hernandez giving an introduction, the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem, beautifully rendered by B...

  • Biden/Harris Rally, Oct. 18

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Oct 24, 2020

    An enthusiastic crowd gathered on Sunday, October 18, to celebrate the Biden/Harris connection and the upcoming election. It's probably the most important and critical election of our lifetime. Several teens were on hand to rally with us, because, even though they are too young to vote this time around, they are well aware of the critical issues we face and know that this election will have a major impact on their lives. About 200 participants turned out to show their love and support for our co...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale, contributing writer|Oct 10, 2020

    We have been plagued with smoke recently from the tragic fires taking place all over California. Heartfelt sympathy to all those facing tragedy and the loss of their homes. The water aerobics class has come to an end for the summer, but some determined individuals are going to continue in the pool through the fall and winter. They have been attending in-service training at the pool, so as to be familiar with taking the cover off and on, and safety rules. The Garden Club has one more meeting on the third Friday of October at 11 a.m. This will...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale|Sep 12, 2020

    We are only two months away from the 2020 election. Not only will you be voting for the President, a Senator, and House members, to name a few, but also locally for our CSD candidates. We have at least four candidates now for the two open seats. I would encourage each and every candidate to keep it clean, civil and to focus on our issues at hand, not on things that are not relevant to CSD duties. Remember that we are all neighbors here, and hopefully each and every one of the candidates wants to work for the well-being of the community. You...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale|Aug 15, 2020

    Parents and teachers are stressing over the issue of how school will be starting again. It has been a tough row to hoe for parents unaccustomed to teaching their children at home, tough for the children not being around their playmates and now, scary for the teachers, concerned about the virus spreading if the students are back in school. There is no easy answer. The Tehachapi Unified School District has decided that, for now, classes in the classrooms will be on hold. This is the season that Yellow Star Thistle starts to appear. It is a...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale|Jul 4, 2020

    By the time you read this, July 4th will have come and gone. Our annual Hot air balloons will be here but tethered and not taking up passengers. The Meet-the-Candidates meeting for the Association took place on Wednesday, June 24 at the Whiting Center. Two returning members are on the ballot —Monique Herbst and Peggy Bergman-Smith. Bergman-Smith was an appointee when Larry Thompson left the board. Since three spots were available, though, and only two people were running, two more people have expressed interest. Long time board member, Todd L...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale|Jun 6, 2020

    Happy 50th Birthday, Bear Valley Springs! That's right. Our community is now 50 years old and counting. In the late 1960s, Justin Dart had a vision of this valley as a great getaway community for people from the city, and at the start, that's what he thought it would be – a recreational community for people to visit on weekends and holidays. But, somehow, along the way, families started to move in and retirees thought this would be a great place for fulltime residence. Now, here we are, 50 years...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale|Apr 25, 2020

    The entire community is feeling the strain of the social distancing and quarantine. The BVSA requests that members inviting non-members to use our few open facilities, please cease and desist, because we need to keep our areas in good shape for our members. The Country Club still has the curbside service. Free birthday dinners are not available during this time, but any outstanding ones will be honored once the Club reopens. Just a reminder that the Association will be holding its 49th annual general meeting and election of new officers on July...

  • BVS Cultural Arts Art Show postponed

    Linda Coverdale|Mar 28, 2020

    The Bear Valley Springs Cultural Arts Association regrets having to announce that the 36th Annual Art Show is postponed for now. Optimistically, we hope to reorganize it for an early autumn showing, depending on how this Coronavirus plays out. So, don’t lose hope, stay in and stay well....

  • 36th Annual BVS Cultural Arts Art Show

    Linda Coverdale|Mar 14, 2020

    The upcoming 36th Annual Bear Valley Springs Cultural Arts Art Show is fortunate enough to have six talented donors this year. The show, as you may already know, runs from Sunday, April 5 til Friday, April 10 at the Oak Tree Country Club, 29541 Rolling Oak Dr. The reception is on April 5 from 4 to 7 p.m. The cost of the reception is $10 for non-members or free for members. Membership is only $20 per year, or $35 for a family membership. Donor artwork will be awarded to lucky prize winners on...

  • 36th Annual BVS Cultural Arts Art Show

    Linda Coverdale|Feb 29, 2020

    The upcoming 36th Annual BVS Cultural Arts Art Show is fortunate enough to have six talented donors this year. The show, as you may already know, runs from Sunday, April 5 til Friday, April 10. The reception is on April 5 from 4 to 7 p.m. The cost of the reception is $10 for non-members or free for members. Membership is only $20 per year, or $35 for a family membership. Donor artwork will be awarded to lucky prize winners on April 5 at the reception, and if you get raffle tickets ahead of time,...

  • Introducing Kris Lattin Gruben

    Linda Coverdale|Feb 15, 2020

    The Bear Valley Springs Cultural Arts Association is about to sponsor its 36th Annual Art Show during the week of April 5-10. One of the most popular features of the show is the opportunity to win an art piece donated by one of our many talented artists. The raffle tickets are available at the show. One of our donors this year has been an exhibitor in past years at the show. Her name is Kris Lattin Gruben and the art piece she is donating is in a medium new to the art show. It's called...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale|Feb 1, 2020

    January saw a meeting regarding fish planting in our water holes. Several fish were caught in Jack's Hole and released into Four-Island Lake. Currently catfish tend to make up the majority of the population. The advisory committee looked into stocking bass but none were available, but had they been, they would have been $10 for each 4-inch-long fish. The second biggest population of fish were the crappie, followed by a few bass and blue gill. The youth soccer league starts March 27 and ends May...

  • What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

    Linda Coverdale|Jan 4, 2020

    The BVS Community Services District held its last meeting of 2019 on Thursday, Dec. 12. One of the agenda items was to elect the officers of the Board for 2020. Director Terry Quinn nominated Director Steve Roberts for president. He was elected with a majority of 3-2, with directors Baron and Hahn opposing. Director Quinn, a recent appointee, was nominated as vice president with a majority of 4-1 with Director Baron opposing. President Roberts took over the proceedings from there. Another important item was the renewal of General Manager...

  • A concert to raise your spirits

    Linda Coverdale|Dec 21, 2019

    The Whiting Center in Bear Valley Springs filled with holiday music on Sunday, Dec. 8, as the BVS Cultural Arts Association hosted the 10th annual TPops concert. We were blessed with decent weather-only rain, as opposed to the snow that disrupted Thanksgiving for so many. This year, well-known local musician, Jim Peck, conducted the orchestra. It opened with a medley of popular Christmas songs. A sing-a-long with Christina Scrivner and Christian Walker led us into such favorites as "Rudolph the...

  • Music scholarship awarded

    Linda Coverdale|Dec 21, 2019

    The Bear Valley Springs Cultural Arts Association has awarded music scholarships the past few years. This year, the club received a recommendation from Gayel Pitchford, the music teacher and founder of the Tehachapi Symphony Orchestra, for one of her students whom she has deemed worthy. The scholarship award is $1,500. Pitchford introduced the young recipient, Sarah Frias, as a talented violinist, but also a tenor saxophone player in junior and senior high school. Pitchford indicated that Frias...

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