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Honoring our Veterans

On Veteran’s Day, Bear Valley Springs was blessed with pleasant weather, which brought out more than 100 people who gathered at the Veteran’s Memorial, Cub Lake. It was hosted by the Bear Valley Springs Veteran’s Association to honor our veterans and to observe the adding of nine plaques to the Pillars of Honor. These plaques recognize veterans who have lived in our community and since passed on.

The service opened with Commander Martin Hernandez giving an introduction, the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem, beautifully rendered by Bambi Poindexter. Chaplin James Carmichael gave the invocation. A guest chaplain, Captain Ferman J. Clark, USAF blessed the grounds.

After lowering the flags, John Pruden and Paul Bellinger named the nine inductees to the Pillars of Honor. Richard Oldenburg presented a rose to the representative member of each family whose loved one was inducted. These inductees are:

Robert Paul Wylie U.S.M.C. Major––Vietnam

Wayne R. Hazelhurst U.S.M.C. Sgt. –Vietnam

John H. Martin U.S.A.A.F Flight Officer –WWII (who lived to be 99 years old)

Jess H. George U.S.N. RDI – WWII

Joe Anderson Williams U.S.A.F. Col. –Vietnam

Vincent J. Apicella U.S. Army SPC 4 –Vietnam

Leonard C. Haynes U.S. Army – Vietnam

Arthur George Ottinger Jr. U.S.N. AMI – Korea

Richard A. Scarfoss U.S.A.F. Astronaut

After honoring these veterans, John Pruden called up a young man to whom the community owes a debt of honor. Kyle Olivier, when he was an Eagle Scout, decided that his project would be a place to honor our veterans. After jumping through hoops, he achieved his objective and now we are blessed with this memorial. Kudos to you, Kyle.

The service wrapped up quickly with Taps by Richard Oldenburg, a rifle salute and Amazing Grace performed by three bagpipers, Travis Combs, Zack Snyder and Ken Haas.