Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Articles written by Ann Carroll

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • You are your dog's only hope

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Jun 24, 2023

    Many shelters are full clear across our great country. There is no more space, and pets, especially dogs, are being euthanized daily. People are giving up their dogs due to housing problems, lack of funds, lack of time for pets and to family growth. Sometimes a new child means the pet has to go. There are no adopters, rescues are feeling hopeless and shelters must put the dogs to sleep. You are the only hope your dog has. On a typical day, an organization like Have A Heart Humane Society receives a minimum of seven phone calls asking if we can...

  • Thank you from the critters and Have A Heart Humane Society

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|May 27, 2023

    The volunteer staff at Have A Heart Humane Society really has no words to adequately express the amazement and gratitude we feel for the help, support and hard work that came from you, our community! We had no idea what we were going to do when we were told that our rented building had sold and we had to vacate after over 7 years. How would we do it in 30 days? YIKES! But you all came through and helped us pack, load and move, using up to 30 horse trailers, trucks, vans and station wagons. Then you all came out of the woodwork to unload, set...

  • Another big thank you from Have A Heart Humane Society

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|May 27, 2023

    We are so grateful to have such a network of support in this community! We must thank our friends at Bear Valley Springs Tailwaggers Club for doing endless fundraising for us and the Tehachapi area. This group continued their hard work over time and ended up raising more than enough to sponsor a $7,000 Snip Bus spay and neuter clinic to be held at Have A Heart. This benefits our city, our county and all of the pets and pet owners in the surrounding areas. Tailwaggers loves their pets and knows that spay and neuter is important for the...

  • A fresh look at Have A Heart

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Sep 3, 2022

    For those of you who are new residents of Tehachapi or aren’t familiar with our articles, our little store, our volunteers and our adoptable critters, this may help you get to know us in a slightly different light. We are a nonprofit volunteer organization that we call a humane society, because we are not a shelter, we are not connected to the city or the county and we have to rely on the generosity of donors, patrons and our own hard work to carry out the main four visions that comprise our mis...

  • Have A Heart Humane Society gives scholarships to local graduates

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Jun 25, 2022

    Starting six years ago, Have A Heart has chosen two deserving graduating seniors yearly to receive cash scholarships to further their education and seek an advanced degree. Two $1,000 scholarships are presented to two seniors based on grade point average, extracurricular activities and leadership, faculty recommendations, and excellence in essay form related to each scholarship requirement. Our organization also requires a minimum of 12 hours of volunteer work at our resale store, fostering and...

  • Have A Heart will microchip for free

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Jun 25, 2022

    Have you ever had a family pet that was so fearful of fireworks that they had a meltdown or escaped the house or yard and it broke your heart? As we have in the past, so Have A Heart Humane Society will microchip your dog or cat for FREE during the period just prior to the 4th of July. Starting Tuesday, June 21 through Saturday, July 2, bring your dog or cat to our shop, Rescued Treasures, next to Domino's and we will implant a microchip absolutely free. If your pet should disappear during...

  • Cardboard pet carriers – yes or no?

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Feb 5, 2022

    You have all probably seen the "fold-and- assemble-yourself" cardboard pet carriers intended for normal-sized cats and toy-sized dogs. You may even have purchased one from your veterinarian to bring home your dopey little kitten or small puppy following spaying, neutering or some other minor surgery after he/she has been anesthetized. "Small," "dopey" and "box held by someone else" in the car are key words here. These cardboard carriers are not meant for larger cats or dogs larger than a...

  • When you find a lost pet

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Feb 5, 2022

    As we get our morning started here at Have A Heart Humane Society, the first visitor we have is a sweet young woman who just found a stray little dog. She wants to have the pup scanned for a microchip, which we do immediately, but there’s no microchip! We start scrambling to find a temporary foster home, and until we find one we will house her here at the shop in one of our pens. Very cute dog, surely someone is looking for her! Of course, we will need to hold her for the mandatory two weeks t...

  • Thanksgiving feast – good for Fido?

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Nov 20, 2021

    As the holidays approach, we humans are licking our lips in anticipation of the delicacies and huge amounts of comfort food that are headed our way. Our pets are not expecting all the luscious treats this time of year as we are, but once the cooking starts, their noses are on high alert – it’ll drive them crazy! This time of year, veterinarians notice an increase in cases of pancreatitis and other stomach and intestinal upsets due to the fact that dogs get fed food, either accidentally or by...

  • Compassion fatigue, again

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Oct 9, 2021

    Within the last several years there has been some dialog about the “burnout” that hits people who work in many of the fields that tax their sympathies, their caring and their abilities to continue having positive outlooks. These are people who are continually providing help, care and compassion to people who are victims of outside forces, disasters or the sometimes impossible systems that impede their progress towards happiness and well being. They can be healthcare workers, teachers, police officers, firefighters, veterinarians, social and chi...

  • Have a Heart needs you!

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Sep 25, 2021

    We have put out many articles about what we do, and we know many of you out there personally. You come into our shop, have adopted pets from us, have brought us little lost foundlings, and, most importantly, have had your family pets spayed and neutered at one of our clinics in the past. We usually spend at least one paragraph in our articles begging for help, asking for volunteers to spend a bit of their free time to further our cause and to add helping hands to lighten the load. Due to what...

  • Spay and neuter is the answer

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Jul 31, 2021

    The Have A Heart Humane Society, located here in Tehachapi, has been well known for years and we have been your "go to" organization when you adopt a pet, lose a pet, find a stray pet, or need to alter your pets so they don't contribute to the dreadful overpopulation here in Kern County. Have A Heart holds the concept of spay and neuter as just about the most important facet of our vision, and not one that we could let go of when things got tough! Instead, the "tough" (that's us!) got going and...

  • Free microchips for your pups until July 3

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Jul 3, 2021

    Have A Heart Humane Society is offering free microchips for your family dog(s) from now until July 3. Bring your dog in to Rescued Treasures, 1121 W. Valley Blvd., Tehachapi (next door to Radio Shack) to get a free microchip in case your pet gets frightened during 4th of July fireworks, whether it is a sanctioned pyrotechnics display or a neighbor who sets off firecrackers. One dog in five goes missing or gets frightened during fireworks and gets lost. Make sure your pet gets home to you! We are open Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4...

  • Have A Heart awards scholarship

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Jun 19, 2021

    Have A Heart Humane Society presented a $1,000 scholarship on May 27 to a very deserving senior from Tehachapi High School, Emma Barrett. The requirements for our scholarship are similar in many ways to the scholarships from other local organizations in that the candidate must be an exemplary student, have outside interests and extracurricular activities, be held in high esteem by more than one faculty member and write an excellent essay in response to specific prompts ... all of which Emma...

  • It's kitten season

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Jun 5, 2021

    Cat and Kitten season has begun and there is no shortage of beautiful cats and kittens to adopt! The COVID pandemic has had an effect on the cat population in several ways. First of all, the usual number of spay and neuter clinics were cut way back due to prolonged closures, rise in the prices of supplies and, in our case, retirement and change in services. All of this resulted in less spays and neuters - hence, more cat population. People lose their employment, often their homes, and...

  • Rescued Treasures reopens

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|May 8, 2021

    The cute little resale shop that benefits Have A Heart Humane Society is beginning to return to its original operating days and hours. The COVID-19 pandemic took its toll on everyone. It shut us down completely for several months, then limited our open days, and now we feel safe enough to be open Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday is still adoption day. We are looking forward to opening on Tuesdays as soon as we can. Rescued Treasures is the name of the resale shop that is...

  • Have a Heart needs volunteers

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Feb 13, 2021

    We hope you have ventured into our little resale shop, Rescued Treasures, recently. Our treasurer, Gina, and helpers used some closed days to completely rearrange the layout and make the space seem much roomier and much easier for donors to bring in their donations. You no longer have to traipse clear to the back of the shop to drop off your generous items; you just have to leave them in the area near the cash register. Then your hands are free to just mosey around and shop for yourself, or to...

  • Get your pets microchipped!

    Ann Carroll, contributing writer|Jan 30, 2021

    For almost a year now, things have been really unusual for our community. Many people have been home more and at work less. I think maybe our pets have been thrilled to have us home. But when they do accidentally get out and go roaming, there really aren't the same authorities out there to pick them up and get them to safety. Due to the pandemic, most of the animal shelters are either closed or on limited working hours, and it has become difficult to go through the steps we used to take to try...

  • As our routines change ... again!

    Ann Carroll|Jul 4, 2020

    Now that we are having our lives change from total quarantine lockdown to little ventures out as some businesses open and some of us even go back to work, we at Have A Heart Humane Society have a few concerns. Our pets have been used to our being home and around for close to three-and-a-half months. Now while this may have irritated your cats (haha), your dogs have LOVED it! They may have a little trouble understanding or adjusting to your new hours away from home. Try to keep giving your pets that little bit of extra attention when you get...

  • Adopting a new dog

    Ann Carroll|Mar 14, 2020

    Maybe it has been a long time since you adopted or rescued a new pet. In the time you had your prior dog, you have probably forgotten how scared he was and how long he took to settle into your home. You have also probably forgotten how panicky you felt, especially that first night thinking, "Oh no – what have I done? I'll get NO sleep tonight; he's going back tomorrow!" But luckily, you hung in there, you gave him time, patience and love, and before long the whole family loved him and he was you...

  • Have A Heart Humane Society scholarships

    Ann Carroll|Feb 15, 2020

    As the second semester gets underway at the high school here in Tehachapi, members of the senior class who are going to seek higher education are looking for scholarship possibilities. There are many generous clubs and organizations in our community who put forth monetary gifts for students who have excelled in their academics and they are happy to see these students apply and compete for the funding. We at Have A Heart Humane Society offer two scholarships to graduating seniors. They are each worth $1,000, and require an essay and a minimum of...

  • Compassion fatigue

    Ann Carroll|Feb 15, 2020

    Many people who work in a field where they experience or perceive failure or very sparse success begin to feel a trauma syndrome which can alter the way they proceed in their work as time goes on. This is sometimes referred to as “Compassion Fatigue,” and is prevalent in fields where workers care for: chronically ill people, those who constantly face social ills, groups of people who are in difficulty following disasters and tragedies, and victims of all kind. This syndrome also affects law enforcement, teachers, veterinarians, nurses, chi...

  • Lots of stray pets in Tehachapi

    Ann Carroll|Feb 1, 2020

    It seems that there have been a lot of pets on the loose lately. At Have A Heart Humane Society's resale shop, Rescued Treasures, we have had an interesting phenomenon in recent weeks. Each day, there have been six to eight stray dogs brought into our shop by kind hearted people who have found dogs running in their neighborhoods, hit by cars near their houses or pets who have suddenly been thrust into circumstances where they have lost their owners due to death or loss of home. As a rescue, we...