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Thanksgiving feast – good for Fido?

As the holidays approach, we humans are licking our lips in anticipation of the delicacies and huge amounts of comfort food that are headed our way. Our pets are not expecting all the luscious treats this time of year as we are, but once the cooking starts, their noses are on high alert – it’ll drive them crazy!

This time of year, veterinarians notice an increase in cases of pancreatitis and other stomach and intestinal upsets due to the fact that dogs get fed food, either accidentally or by unknowing guests, that is way too rich for them.

There are things from Thanksgiving and Christmas that your dogs can eat, and there are things that they should NOT eat.

No matter what, remember that our pets are not equipped for many of the dishes that are ultra rich with butter, spices and excess sugars. We know how we feel after a big “feast,” so go sparingly with your pets from the “OK list,” and ask your guests to not feed them without your approval.

No-no list

• Turkey skin

• Turkey bones

• Turkey stuffing

• Turkey gravy

• Candy and gum (may contain xylitol)

• Mashed potatoes

• Creamed peas

• Sweet potatoes or yams with extra sweets

• Pumpkin pie (may contain xylitol)

• Chocolate desserts (NO chocolate, ever!)

• Alcoholic beverages

• Salads with raisins or grapes

• Onions/scallions

• Ham

OK list

• Turkey meat (no skin or bones)

• Plain potatoes or sweet potatoes

• Plain cooked pumpkin

• Plain peas

• Apple

As much as we love our pets, we don’t want to upset their systems, nor do we want to incur vet bills or have messes to clean up. Make sure you have pet treats to make pets feel included in the festivities, and don’t let them talk you into giving them something they really shouldn’t have! Happy Holidays from Have A Heart Humane Society!