Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Articles from the March 14, 2020 edition

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  • Special events at Saint Malachy Church

    Annie Arnold|Mar 14, 2020

    Knights of Columbus St. Patrick’s Irish Dinner Corn beef & Cabbage on March 17 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at McMullan Hall, 407 W. E St., Tehachapi. Dinner is free but donations are accepted. Additional Lenten Events include • St. Joseph’s Table – Spaghetti Dinner, (by donation) Sat., March 21, 5 to 8 p.m. • Friday Fish-Fries (by donation) –March 13 and 27 at 6:30 p.m. after Stations. • Potluck Veggie Soup & Bread –March 20 and April 3 at 6:30 p.m. after Stations. Bring your family and enjoy a good time in a fun and friendly atmosphere. The...

  • World Water Day and birthing kits

    Nancy Bacon, Reverend|Mar 14, 2020

    Greetings! March 22 is World Water Day. It's a day to be grateful for fresh, clean, water ... a necessity for life. It's also a day to consider how to best make sure that all people for generations to come can have access to this essential element. Organizations around the world will be promoting ways that we can help others gain access to reliable water sources. When I was in Uganda last summer, I got to witness a new well being dug for a village of people. When we arrived, the children had...

  • PCT hikers arriving, angels ready to help

    Linda McDermott|Mar 14, 2020

    As you may have noticed in previous years, Tehachapi will soon become the hub for international and domestic hikers. The world is walking into our amazing community from the Pacific Crest Trail, a hiking trail starting in Mexico and ending at the Canadian border. The trail is about 2,663 miles long, extends through California, Oregon and Washington, and usually takes hikers over six months to complete. The current hikers have been hiking for weeks, sometimes months, when they arrive in town...

  • Democrats meet historic women

    Phyllis Belcher|Mar 14, 2020

    Women from history were invited to talk about themselves at the March meeting of Tehachapi Mountain Democratic Club. The program was planned in recognition of March as Women's History Month.The women were Gertrude Jekyll, Mary Pickford and Captain C. Edwina Todd. Gertrude Jekyll, portrayed by Joanne Beckett, was a British horticulturist, garden designer, writer and artist. Mary Pickford, portrayed by Andrea Hicks, was a famous motion picture actress and producer in the early 1900s. Captain C....

  • Quentin Nathan Bailey Gripkey

    Mar 14, 2020

    Alysia Bailey and Chris Gripkey of Tehachapi would like to announce the birth of their son Quentin Nathan Bailey Gripkey who was born March 9, 2020 in Bakersfield, California, weighing 5 pounds, 2 ounces with a length of 18.25 inches. Alysia’s mother Claudia White and son Robert Taylor are so happy to have Quentin join the “Loop” family. Alysia is the Production Manager at The Loop newspaper. Grandparents Bruce and Linda Gripkey of Tehachapi also welcome Quentin to their famil...

  • Clean vehicle tips

    Protech Auto Service|Mar 14, 2020

    Most people are keeping vehicles for longer than ever before because they are made to be more durable and reliable now. When we stay on top of our vehicle’s routine maintenance needs, we feel good knowing that everything under the hood is running smoothly. And it’s a great feeling when we are free from a hefty monthly car payment! Although we may take diligent care of the internal systems in our older vehicles, we sometimes forget to provide as much care to the exterior and cabin as well. Bird droppings, road grime and bug guts on the win...

  • Christina Scrivner appointed to City Council seat

    Pat Doody|Mar 14, 2020

    The first order of business at the March 2 Tehachapi City Council meeting was to choose a new council person to fill the at-large seat held by Kenneth Hetge who resigned on Jan. 2. Four applications were received by the City and all were qualified for the position but it was Christina Scrivner who was chosen in a 3-1 vote. Councilman Phil Smith nominated Kim Nixon, a prior City Councilwoman now serving on the Planning Commission. "I am very humbled by this opportunity to serve my community,"...

  • Tehachapi launches podcast TehachaPod

    Mar 14, 2020

    The City of Tehachapi has added podcasting to its communication portfolio as it launched TehachaPod this week. TehachaPod is a conversation about all things Tehachapi. TehachaPod features interviews with various people in our community. Key Budge, Corey Costelloe and Greg Garrett host TehachaPod with a goal length of approximately 30 minutes to meet the average commute time of our community. Both Key and Corey have several years of experience in radio, both on air and in station operations....

  • Civil Air Patrol Cessna and Glider Cadet orientation flights soar through the Tehachapi Valley

    Mar 14, 2020

    On Sunday, Feb. 23, it was a picture perfect weather day for flying out of Tehachapi's Mountain Valley Airport for 18 young California Wing Civil Air Patrol (CAP) cadets. The cadets, whose age ranged from 12-18, were from local CAP squadrons, including Edwards AFB Composite Squadron 84, Rosamond Pancho Barnes Composite Squadron 49 and Tehachapi Composite Squadron 46. Due to the cooperating weather several cadets received their first flight in a Cessna or glider aircraft. Maj. John Chapman, the...

  • Kern County Go Red for Women® Luncheon raises more than $200,000 for women's heart health

    Mar 14, 2020

    The American Heart Association, the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on heart and brain health for all, held it’s 2020 Kern County Go Red for Women® Luncheon on Friday, March 6 to support the fight to end heart disease and stroke. Approximately 500 residents attended the premier event designed to raise awareness about the leading cause of death in women: cardiovascular disease. The event raised more than $200,000 to support lifesaving cardiovascular research and education. The...

  • String Quintet serenades Elementary Schools

    Mar 14, 2020

    The Young People's String Quartet (plus a Bass player), a sub-set of the Tehachapi Symphony Orchestra, just finished a set of three concerts. One each at Tompkins, Cumming Valley and Golden Hills Elementary Schools, where they played a wide-variety of music, demonstrated their individual instruments and talked about why they liked to play them. The Quartet is composed of First Violin B. J. Zheng and Cellist Rebecca Carol, both juniors at Tehachapi High; Second Violin Emily Hamilton and Violist...

  • Tehachapi School Board Update

    Pat Doody|Mar 14, 2020

    At their March 10 meeting, the TUSD School Board presented several Certificates of Recognition....

  • Charlie Plumb – POW in Vietnam and Navy Hero

    Cathy Hansen|Mar 14, 2020

    Recently we have been going through some of our book and video collections. I ran across a book that was given to me back in 2004 by the author. "I'm No Hero" by Charlie Plumb. I want everyone to know that I believe Charlie Plumb IS a hero! Wow! You need to read this book. In the summer of 2004, we were witnessing the exciting and historical flights of Scaled Composites and Paul Allen's SpaceShipOne. During that time, we had the opportunity and pleasure of meeting some of the world's most...

  • Rio Tinto shares its 148-year history

    Therese Luther|Mar 14, 2020

    The featured speaker at the Feb. 27 meeting of the Mojave Chamber of Commerce was Amanda Smith, new general manager of the Rio Tinto operations in Boron. Smith came on board very recently after several years abroad at other Rio Tinto facilities, including Australia. Rio Tinto currently operates in about 35 countries, in mines, smelters and refineries, as well as in sales offices, data centers, research and development labs and with artificial intelligence. Rio Tinto operates in three locations...

  • GAVEA and AVBOT merge to become AV EDGE

    Mar 14, 2020

    Representatives from Antelope Valley Board of Trade (AVBOT) and the Greater Antelope Valley Economic Alliance (GAVEA) announced today their merger and the creation of the Antelope Valley Economic Development & Growth Enterprise (AV EDGE). The formal announcement was made at the 48th annual AVBOT Business Outlook Conference with the unveiling of AV EDGE’s new logo. “The blending of the two legacy organizations, in collaboration with our local public institutions, will create a formidable partnership for the attraction and retention of business t...

  • Don't let Coronavirus infect your investment strategy

    Jennifer Palakiko, Edward Jones Financial Advisor|Mar 14, 2020

    This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC. As you know, the Coronavirus has become a major health concern, not just in China, but in other parts of the world, too – and it's also shaken up the financial markets. As an individual investor, how concerned should you be? The impact of the Coronavirus on the markets isn't surprising. China is the world's second-largest economy, and when it experiences factory closures, s...

  • Ready? Roll the dice!

    Jack Clarke|Mar 14, 2020

    With this one sentence, hundreds of new stories are formed, borne from a sea of probability and chaos theory. Pathfinder, for the uninitiated, is what is known as a "Tabletop Role-Playing-Game." It has it's origins in another game called "Dungeons and Dragons." Pathfinder is a game that combines creative thinking, character acting, complex calculations and the chaotic spirit of random chance. The game is normally played with a small group. At the head of the table, sits the "Game Master." (GM)...

  • Book drive for Porterville Library

    Mar 14, 2020

    The City of Tehachapi and the Kern County Library Tehachapi Branch have collaborated on a book donation drive for the Porterville Public Library. Throughout the month of March, the community can donate books of any kind for the Porterville Library and drop them off at either Tehachapi City Hall on Robinson Street or the Kern County Library Tehachapi Branch on Green St. “We are able to honor the firefighters who gave their lives protecting life and property on that tragic day in February. We felt very strongly at the city to show support and t...

  • Scholarship fund for women taking re-entry applications

    Mar 14, 2020

    The American Association of University Women are once again offering a re-entry scholarship. This Scholarship Fund for Women offers a scholarship to one or more Tehachapi area Women who are pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree or credential. To qualify, the applicant must be beginning/continuing her studies and must have taken a break in-between: • High School and College; and or • An hiatus from college; and or • Have not previously received this scholarship. An application is made by sending a letter of interest detailing the applicants plans a...

  • Public safety response to COVID-19

    Mar 14, 2020

    Out of an abundance of caution, the Tehachapi Police Department, working in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies, is implementing new procedures in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The purpose is to ensure the health and safety of our community as public safety is our number one priority. The Tehachapi Police Department and other law enforcement agencies have procedures in place to provide mutual aid on a local and state level should a law enforcement agency have staffing issues due to illness. We are requesting the...

  • Los Angeles County Air Show cancelled

    Mar 14, 2020

    The City of Tehachapi and the Kern County Library Tehachapi Branch have collaborated on a book donation drive for the Porterville Public Library. Throughout the month of March, the community can donate books of any kind for the Porterville Library and drop them off at either Tehachapi City Hall on Robinson Street or the Kern County Library Tehachapi Branch on Green St. “We are able to honor the firefighters who gave their lives protecting life and property on that tragic day in February. We felt very strongly at the city to show support and t...

  • Plane Crazy Saturday postponed

    Mar 14, 2020

    Mojave Transportation Museum Foundation has decided to postpone and cancel our March 21 Plane Crazy Saturday. We will reschedule Diane Barney’s talk at another time. With uncertainty regarding the growing threat of the Coronavirus COVID-19, the Mojave Transportation Museum Foundation Board of Directors have made the decision to cancel this month’s Plane Crazy Saturday. Future Plane Crazy events will be on hold until fears subside and it is safe to resume. Historical aircraft owners will still get credit for displaying their aircraft for thi...

  • Information for 'Feds'

    Mar 14, 2020

    The Post Office: Reform is overdue It’s common knowledge that the Postal Service is losing money each year. The USPS reported a net loss of $8.8 billion for fiscal year 2019, more than double the loss reported last year. But one thing is helping keep it underwater: In 2006, Congress required the USPS to pre-fund its retiree health insurance over a 10-year period ending in 2016. Not being able to meet its commitment, the Postal Service has not made a payment into this fund since 2012, and it c...

  • Red Cross teaming up with Little Caesars throughout March

    Mar 14, 2020

    Throughout the entire month of March, Feghali Foods – through its participating Little Caesars franchise stores in Kern County – is giving their customers an opportunity to donate $1 or more to benefit the American Red Cross and its lifesaving mission in coordination with the March is Red Cross Month campaign. March is Red Cross Month has been recognized in the United States since Theodore Roosevelt was president. This month is centered around highlighting what the Red Cross does, and gives information on ways to help the community and giv...

  • What's Up in Stallion Springs?

    Ed Gordon|Mar 14, 2020

    The Stallion Springs CSD held a Town Hall meeting on Feb. 29 at the Community Center. The CSD held the meeting regarding proposed changes to what is acceptable waste and what is not at the solid waste site. The CSD sent out surveys to 1,400 residents with three possible options. There were 583 responses to the survey. Option one was for home pickup, which received 60 votes. Option two was for a manned/limited hour waste center, which had 161 votes. Option three was for a key entry 24/7 assess, w...

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