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On Oct. 19, TVRPD honored Tehachapi Rotary Club and Interact students for volunteering to paint the gazebo in Philip Marx Central Park. From left are Rotary President Paul Kaminski, TVRPD General Manager Corey Torres, Interact VP Nicholas Aldava and Nena Thornburg....
Health Hippie Trading Co. hit the ground running four weeks ago and has made quite a positive impression on the community. "Everyone who comes in is very excited about what we are carrying," says owner, Sarah Rose. "They love the clothes, the crystals and other metaphysical items, the handmade crafts...everything, really. But they're also really wanting food and drinks!" Building a kitchen from the ground up is a huge undertaking but Sarah and her husband John Nelson (aka John the Plumber) are...
We are all time travelers. We travel daily through time in our lives, one minute after another, one day at a time that grows to weeks and months into years. We also have opportunities to go back in time. It does not take a time machine or any complicated equipment. Just a memory, a photo or a book travels us back. With a book series like “The Thorn Birds’’ by Colleen McCullough, published in 1977, we can view the years 1915 to 1969 with the Cleary family through their forced immigration from...
Season 2, Episode 103 & 104 On episode 103 the TehachaPod crew provide updates on projects and events around Tehachapi. TVRPD has several programs and events in the works. The "Holiday Decorating Contest" is back and is growing in the unincorporated areas this year. We have updates on road projects and a few more areas where dirt is being moved for new businesses. In episode 104, Dan Bronson visits the studio to talk about some of his experiences in the movie industry. Bronson, who lives in...
At the Oct. 18 City Council meeting, Mayor Phil Smith presented Joan Benz and her family with a plaque honoring her late husband Paul Benz for his years of civic support and charitable contributions. He is probably best remembered throughout Tehachapi as the owner of Benz Sanitation and Benz Propane. His many achievements included the 40-acre Benz Youth Sports Complex located east of downtown Tehachapi off Tehachapi-Willow Springs Rd. Paul was one of the organizers of Tehachapi Search and...
Kern County is participating in the second wave of CalScope, a study that will help public health professionals better understand how many people in California have antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Kern County Public Health Services is working in collaboration with the California Department of Public Health, Stanford University School of Medicine, Enable Biosciences, Exa Health and other county public health departments to conduct the CalScope study in three separate waves during 2021-22. Through CalScope, households...
The newly formed Tehachapi Mountain Alano Club (TMAC) has moved to 303 East H Street, Tehachapi. This move allows the Alano Club more flexibility in offering more meetings and more recovery resources to the Tehachapi Community. The Tehachapi Mountain Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as Tehachapi Narcotics Anonymous and the Al Anon Family Support Groups, are already holding regular meetings. The meeting list can be found on our website at We provide a meeting space for any and all 12-step recovery meetings and...
Third Annual “Ghoulden” Hills Trick or Treat October 23 from 4 to 7 p.m. Get your costumes on and come out to the Golden Hills CSD, 21415 Reeves St., for the 3rd annual “Ghoulden” Hills Trick or Treat event for a good time and good music. Trick or treat bags will be passed out at the entrance. There is no charge for this event and it is open to all Tehachapi children! Halloween Costume Contest at the Tehachapi Branch Library October 29 at 4 p.m. Wear your best Halloween costume for a chance...
If you have been around real estate at all, you have likely heard the terms "buyer's market" and "seller's market." Lately I hear it even more and often by discouraged buyers wondering if they should buy in a seller's market or wait for it to become a buyer's market. It is important to understand what these terms really mean to determine what action to take as a buyer or seller. I personally believe that it will come down to personal pros and cons of each market and not simply buying in a buyer'...
Calling Tehachapi crafters! In support of the Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California this Halloween we are creating a yarn bomb to cover a retro van. It will be displayed to bring awareness in support of a local teen diagnosed with cancer. We need granny squares that are crocheted or knit in any size or color to be donated. Turn them into the Coffee Mill, 120 S. Mill St., Tehachapi, by Oct. 28. Questions or contributions, call (661) 428-9419. It’s a great way to use up some of your yarn stash....
The dog park in our community is still being improved. The Tailwaggers Group has raised $12,000 to purchase and put up a permanent dog park playground. Last year, they put in 25 trees to provide some much needed shade and the attractive signs you see displayed near it. With all the playground equipment, it will be called BVS Doggie Dream Park. One of the most instrumental people in getting this park started years ago was Katy Jacobson. Katy has since moved away but she is still actively...
On Oct. 14, Assemblyman Vince Fong (R-Kern County) along with law enforcement officials, the Auto Club (AAA), victims and their families joined forces to educate the public of the signing of Assembly Bill 3, and to educate the public of the horrific pain caused by illegal street racing and sideshows. "Illegal street racing and sideshows destroy innocent lives. Far too many families have lost loved-ones. This is 100% preventable," said Assemblyman Fong. "This law gives the courts another tool to...
Parents who have questions about their child’s path to college success are invited to attend an upcoming Cerro Coso Community College virtual Parent Information Night and see firsthand what CCCC offers. From career-training programs that include Nursing, Welding, EMT, and Cyber Security, to Associate Degrees for Transfer, and Associate Degree programs, CCCC provides the education and training students need for success in rewarding, high-demand career fields. Helping parents navigate the c...
Susan Jane (Strait) Mulligan passed away on Oct. 12 at the age of 91, in Bakersfield, California. She was a native of Minnesota and lived in St. Paul until 2015. Married to her high school sweetheart, they raised three sons. Preceded in death by her husband John, her sister Jeanine, her sons John III and Kevin, she came to California to live with her youngest son Terry, and her daughter-in-law, Donna. She was a resident of Tehachapi and loved the dry air and warm days. Susan loved her family...
A fun and exciting event for the whole family! Local comic creator Saida Woolf has teamed up with the Tehachapi Museum for her first ever Tehachapi book signing. On Saturday, Nov. 6, from noon to 4 p.m. on the front porch of the historic Errea House at 311 S. Green St. in downtown Tehachapi, Woolf will be signing copies of her newly released graphic novel, "Soulstream." Books will be available for purchase for $16, tax included. A portion of each sale will benefit the Tehachapi Museum. Please...
I love the month of October for many reasons – the little chill in the air, the leaves turning colors, the every-now-and-then brisk breeze that turns into a surprise snowfall, baseball playoffs and football season, hayrides and bonfires. And while I do enjoy those things immensely, I also really like all the scary movies on the big and little screens and the Halloween-type celebrations that happen right down the street. Dark and scary times, fright nights, haunted houses, a good adrenaline r...
The Outreach Singers under the direction of Jeffrey Haswell will be performing on Thursday, Nov. 11, a St. Jude's in the Mountains Anglican Church beginning at 6:30 p.m. St. Jude's in the Mountains Anglican Church is located at 1200 S. Curry Street, Tehachapi. The concert theme is "Let Freedom Ring" and the music is a tribute to our veterans honoring their service preserving our freedom. Featured songs will be familiar, patriotic favorites. Veterans in attendance are encouraged to wear uniforms...
Being a college student right now can be overwhelming, especially when the world keeps shifting under your feet. Back-to-school is anything but ordinary. In addition to books, students are carrying the stress and uncertainty of the pandemic. Covid-19 has brought this vulnerable population into renewed focus highlighting inequalities that disproportionately affect vulnerable populations including access to free medical and mental health services. Cerro Coso Community College now offers 24/7 FREE...
The Tehachapi Lions Club is sponsoring the “Christmas for Seniors Program” for the seventh year. Christmas for Seniors was started by Sandy Morris of Bakersfield. The low-income seniors selected in Tehachapi will receive a gift of their choice and a box of sundries. The Tehachapi Lions Club is asking for your help and support by donating the following items: Kleenex, 2-ply toilet paper, shaving cream, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lotion, laundry soap, fabric softener/sheets, cleaning supplies or other sundry items, and lar...
I wanted to give a big shout out to the Tehachapi High School Warriors football team! At this weekend’s Apple Festival, I was alone for breaking down my booth (if you’ve ever had a booth, you know it is work!) and two fabulous football players showed up and asked how they could help. They loaded my truck for me and made my day all that much better. I LOVE living in this town! Thank you, Warriors, you rock!...
On Veterans Day, we honor the men and women who have served in our armed forces. If you've recently separated or retired from the military, or you will be leaving soon, you can be proud of the service you've provided to your country. But once you're a veteran, away from the structure and imperatives of the military, you may need to take greater control over managing your finances and protecting your family. For starters, consider housing. When you were on active duty, you may have moved around...
Often there are questions about how to transfer real property out of a trust. Your parents have died and they created a living trust years ago to avoid probate. How do you transfer the property out of the trust to the beneficiaries of the trust? The successor trustee is named in the trust to distribute the property. Keep in mind that this is meant as a general overview and should not be a substitution for legal advice regarding your specific situation. The following is what typically happens:...
On Oct. 4, Dale Lynn Herrera passed from this world and went through the Gates of Heaven to return home with our Lord. She was born Dale Lynn Brister on Sept. 3, 1946, in Brookhaven, Mississippi to Gertrude and Samuel Brister. Her family moved to Tehachapi where she met her husband, Basilio "Butch" Herrera while attending Tehachapi High School. They were married on March 20, 1965, and had a long and happy marriage of 56 years. Together they raised their three children, Desirea, Suzanne and...
Tehachapi Treasure Trove will be celebrating the next First Friday on Nov. 5 from 5 to 8 p.m. November's celebration will once again offer regulars and newcomers alike a chance for laughter and camaraderie, beverages and snacks. As usual, we are also proud to feature the wonderful music of Art Larson. Upcoming classes at the Treasure Trove include a Fused Glass Class with Leila Kleiman on Saturday, November 6, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $45 and that includes materials to make a fused...
My name is Nicholas Tanaka. I fell in love with movies and studied film in college, but due to my age, I haven't seen many of the classics. I've decided to go back and watch the films that have formed our movie landscape today, and view them with a modern lens. On this, the spookiest of months, I watched the classic science fiction horror film "The Blob" (1958) starring Steve McQueen (directed by Irvin Yeaworth). The film takes place in a small town, not unlike our own. One night, Steve and his...