Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Articles from the July 18, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 34

  • July is Free Community Paper Month

    Jul 18, 2015

    The Loop, Tehachapi's free community newspaper, was presented with a proclamation by Mayor Susan Wiggins on July 6 at the City Council meeting in celebration of Free Community Paper month. The following is the text from the proclamation. We wish to thank the City of Tehachapi and Mayor Wiggins for this honor. *** Proclamation Free Community Paper Month - July 2015 WHEREAS, "Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it" (Thomas...

  • Why take 15 when you can have 30?

    Tammy Engel, Mortgage Advisor|Jul 18, 2015

    Hear me out before you protest, but taking a 30-year loan is the smartest thing you can do in today’s interest rate environment. Lots of folks are wanting to talk about refinancing to 15-year loans these days, what with interest rates being available below 4%. Traditional thinking says “pay off your house as fast as you can”. But is that really the smartest thing to do? Acclaimed financial advisor Ric Edelman would tell you NO! He’s an advocate of taking the biggest mortgage you can afford...

  • Meet your new neighbors

    Pat Doody, Welcome Hostess|Jul 18, 2015

    After living in Palmdale for a few years Jean Morgan and Gary Katz have moved to Tehachapi. It seemed natural since Jean’s family lives here and Gary saw a need in Tehachapi for his skills. Gary is a third generation horologist. He repairs clocks of all kinds at his home in Bear Valley. He started in the 1970s with his dad and uncles. His family was, at one time, the world’s largest importer of clocks. They owned Ted’s Clock Emporium, a business located in 14 malls all over Southern Calif...

  • Artificial sweeteners

    Victoria Alwin, MSRD|Jul 18, 2015

    For some time there have been concerns about the safety of artificial sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), aspartame (NutraSweet), acesulfame K (Ace K ), neotame (Sunett), etc. One of the most maligned artificial sweeteners, saccharine, even has the warning that it can cause cancer. This statement is true IF you are a Canadian white rat who drinks the equivalent of six cases of diet soda per day for several months. At the end of such an ordeal, would it matter if you had cancer? If you are reading this article, I doubt that you are a rat,...

  • Big Boy - Moku

    Liz R Kover, Animal Assisted Activities Director Marleys Mutts Dog Rescue|Jul 18, 2015

    I was lucky enough to meet this butterball of love when he was just a four month old, roly-poly chocolate puppy. The moment I laid eyes on him, I knew two things: (1) that I would love him with all my heart; and (2) that he was going to be a BIG BOY. With paws the size of a brown bear's, and an already hulking frame, I realized when we began puppy training that Moku would soon grow to outweigh his human mom, Val, who is about my size. Right around 5 feet tall and 105 lbs. Based on the huge...

  • What should you know about establishing a trust?

    Edward Jones, Edward jones Financial Advisor|Jul 18, 2015

    You don’t have to be a CEO or multimillionaire to benefit from a trust. In fact, many people gain advantages from establishing one – so it may be useful to learn something about this common estate-planning tool. Why would you want a trust? For one thing, if you have highly specific wishes on how and when you want your estate to be distributed among your heirs, then a trust could be appropriate. Also, you might be interested in setting up a trust if you’d like to avoid the sometimes time-...

  • Tehachapi Friends of NRA holding annual fundraiser

    Kathleen Kline|Jul 18, 2015

    The Tehachapi Friends of NRA have booked the date for their yearly dinner and fundraising event for 2015. “We will be holding it on Aug. 8 at 5 p.m.,” Co-Chairman of the TFNRA Mike Barrett said. “And we are lucky enough to be holding it, again, at the Benz Corporate office complex here in Tehachapi at 1401 Goddrick Drive.” As usual the TFNRA will be offering an evening of fun as they hold a live auction, a silent auction, have special drawings and a tasty dinner for 250 of our local 2nd Amendment appreciating friends. “Dinner and event tic...

  • What's up in Stallion Springs?

    Ed Gordon|Jul 18, 2015

    New General Manager on board After an extensive search, the CSD Board of Directors has hired local resident Lori Rodgers as the new General Manager. Lori comes to the CSD from the Kern County Department of Agriculture and Measurement Standard, where she worked for over 15 years. She has worked with various county, state and federal agencies. Lori has nine state licenses ranging from Management Eligibility to Program Enforcement and has received Leadership/Supervisory training from Kern County...

  • Friendly Tehachapi

    Susan Wiggins, Mayor|Jul 18, 2015

    Brochures are used to promote something, from weekend events, schools and cities. While searching through my mother Marion Deaver's files, I found some old brochures promoting Tehachapi. I think the two that I found were created in the late '50s or early '60s, by their content and the graphics included in them. Both were sponsored by the Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce and encouraged readers to come to Tehachapi and perhaps live there. One of them called Tehachapi "The Valley of Many Acorns and...

  • Get a chuckle from dating site profiles

    Guiseppe V.|Jul 18, 2015

    We’ve been talking about a fairly serious subject with seniors trying to realign their lives by using the Internet and dating websites. Time to take a look at the lighter side of things, for example what people write about themselves in an effort to lure the opposite sex into reading about them and then writing or at least sending what SeniorsInSearch calls a “flirt”. This is basically a way to send your contact info to someone you think might want to look at your profile. Meanwhile, let’s look at theirs. First of all, they can specify if they...

  • The July 6 City Council meeting was busy one, indeed

    Pat Doody, Welcome Hostess|Jul 18, 2015

    City Manager Greg Garrett updated the City Council on the many current projects in which the city is currently involved. He reported that the city is looking to recruit two new police officers, a sergeant and a utility manager. Work has begun on the drainage project at the corner of Valley Blvd. and Curry St., and work will soon begin on the new islands at Curry and Pinon streets. The Developmental Services Department is in their new building at the corner of Robinson and F streets. The city...

  • Do you have a business or a practice?

    Jay Thompson|Jul 18, 2015

    Does your business continue to operate on its own without you being present? A “real business” is one that functions even when you are not there. Many people who claim to be business owners really have a practice. Professionals, such as, attorneys or physicians, are good examples of this. They may even have several people on staff to assist them but if they don’t work everything stops. The whole operation is dependent upon the principal’s activity. Now there is nothing wrong with having a pract...

  • Amazing partnership for cancer patients in Tehachapi

    Jim Wallace|Jul 18, 2015

    Exciting news for the Tehachapi Cancer Foundation. We were approached by Kevin Burton, President of the San Joaquin Community Hospital Foundation. Kevin picked up one of our brochures at Lemonade Locks located inside the AIS Cancer Center. Kevin called me to set up a meeting to see how we could work together to help the citizens of Tehachapi in their cancer journey. We received a complete tour of their state-of-the-art facility dedicated to cancer care treatment. Some very unique and specialized equipment is located there, with highly...

  • Evacuation in the face of Big Bear's Lake Fire

    Fiona Nelson|Jul 18, 2015

    Are you becoming bored with the media constantly harping on about California's current drought conditions? Are you a little tired of hearing over and over that this year is the one in which you should ensure you are prepared for an emergency if you haven't done so before now? After all, what really are the chances that we may be struck by or endangered by wildfire? Well, in the middle of June a group of BVS residents took a trip up to Wildhorse Equestrian Camp and ended up discovering exactly ho...

  • Planning Commission names Michael J. Williams new member

    Pat Doody, Welcome Hostess|Jul 18, 2015

    At the City Council meeting on July 6, Tehachapi City Council unanimously appointed Michael (Mick) J. Williams to the Planning Commission, replacing Sonja Wilson whose term expired on June 30. Williams' term will continue until June 30, 2019. Williams and his family have been members of our community for two years. He graduated from M.I.T. with a degree in Civil Engineering and received a Master of Systems Analysis from the Naval Post Graduate School. During his 20 years in the military he was...

  • Long-term care insurance (LTCI) - part 2

    Jennifer Williams, President J. Williams Personal Financial Planning|Jul 18, 2015

    (continued from July 4 issue of the Loop) Who should purchase LTCI? During the “golden years,” when income typically declines, the purchase of LTCI should be carefully considered. People with significant discretionary income and substantial resources to protect for spouses, children, and other loved ones should seriously consider purchasing LTCI. Individuals with modest resources (e.g., less than $50,000 net worth) may find the premiums unaffordable, and may qualify for Medicaid by spending down...

  • Summer Stroll around Downtown – Share a glimpse into the past

    Pat Gracey|Jul 18, 2015

    Before this goes to press the Heritage League will have already sponsored what they called "a Summer Stroll", which in actuality, will have consisted of a group of people "strolling" from one location to another with a Heritage League member stopping and giving a bit of history of a few local sites. The Stroll will have started at the Depot where a short orientation took place before the leisurely walk began. I would not be on the walk itself but stationed at a prescribed location, however, I...

  • State liberates prison water

    Jul 18, 2015

    The state agency that halted the flow of California Correctional Institution waste water to two customers in May has authorized resuming delivery to the struggling businesses. In a July 1 letter to the waste water plant manager at CCI, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board authorized the resumption of recycled water delivery. The problem, according to Bill Sessa, a spokesperson for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, was that the computerized system that monitors the Title 22 pollution levels had to be...

  • Double whammy for sod farm

    Jul 18, 2015

    Dan Gibson and his Tehachapi Sod farm on Cummings Valley Road are second in line to receive recycled waste water from the California Correctional Institution. The Horse Thief Country Club gets first dibs. In the meantime, Gibson keeps his crop growing through the natural and man-made drought with expensive State Water Project Water. “They (CCI) told me the [wastewater] plant would be fully operational within a week,” Gibson told Forde Files on July 1. “That doesn’t mean I get water. When I see the water, then I know.” Supervisor on site is R...

  • Light attendance at hospital Adventist affiliation hearings --Public seeks clarity on long-term hospital lease

    Jul 18, 2015

    At the Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District public hearings on the proposed affiliation with Adventist Health July 13-16, 2015, several speakers asked if the district would have any recourse if the 25-to 30-year lease goes sour (see quotes above). District CE0 Eugene Suksi described the future relationship between the district and Adventist Health –should the public vote approval on Nov. 3, 2015 – as that of “landlord and tenant.” The district would retain ownership of all its physical assets, including the new hospital, three clinics and the o...

  • Applying for SSD with Addison's Disease

    Diana Wade, Disability Advocate|Jul 18, 2015

    Addison’s disease (AD) is a disorder of the endocrine system, specifically the adrenal glands, in which the affected individual’s body does not produce the right amount of hormones necessary for controlling the conversion of food to energy, inflammatory and stress response, and blood pressure levels. Symptoms of Addison’s disease include muscle ache, joint pain, weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, fainting, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea, loss of appetite and body weight, craving sodiu...

  • Do I need a new computer

    Greg Cunningham|Jul 18, 2015

    You only need a new computer when you can’t do what you need to do on your current computer. If your computer is broken or too slow or can’t run that new software, you need a new computer. I’m scared, what should I buy? What you use the computer for determines how much computer you need to buy. These are my recommendations for when you go computer shopping: Casual user – Internet, email, streaming music, online games Intel Pentium or AMD Vision A4 processor, 2-4GB of RAM, and a 1 terabyt...

  • Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is looking for you!

    Jul 18, 2015

    Or someone you know to, “Stand up for children, so they’ll stand a chance.” What: Orientation for those interested in becoming CASA Volunteers When: Monday, July 27 from Noon, and Friday, August 21 10 a.m. Where: College Community Services, Building at 113 East F Street, Tehachapi, CA Plan to attend this one hour meeting to learn how you can make a difference in the life of a child in foster care. CASA volunteers make an 18 month commitment and donate an average of 10-15 hours per month in their role as an advocate. All volunteers must be sc...

  • Heartfelt Thanks

    Jul 18, 2015

    We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of those who donated and helped to support our local Veterans' Food Bank. The food bank is sponsored by the American Legion Post #221 and is available to all local veterans. Special THANKS to the Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce, The Loop, Tehachapi News, Christian Life Assembly of God, First Baptist Church, and Shepherd of the Hills Church for being available as collection sites. And our appreciation also goes out to Home Depot for providing the collection bins. Because of the efforts of our...

  • Rebates to lose the lawn

    Liz Block, Water Conservation Coordinator, Tehachapi-Cummings Co Water Dis|Jul 18, 2015

    Can you believe – another article about grass! If you’ve been following this column, you know Tehachapi-Cummings County Water District (TCCWD) applied for a grant to do a lawn removal rebate program but didn’t get it. We’re still going to teach the classes: Landscape for the Future July 25: Lose the Lawn August 1: Design Your New WaterWise Landscape August 8: Irrigating Your New Landscape August 15: Landscape Ecology All classes are free, Saturday mornings for an hour from 9 to 10 a.m. and breakfast goodies are provided. The classes are hel...

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