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An alien in Tehachapi

Alien, by definition, means foreigner. I have been an alien visiting Tehachapi for over 20 years.

It has become the place I escape to for a sense of nature and normalcy. I love the peaks and valleys of the sometimes green, sometimes brown, and sometimes white landscape. The epic wildflowers give me a childlike excitement when they briefly reveal their colors. The scant dusting of winter white fascinates me. To see it, makes me feel like a child with the promise that Santa Claus is coming to town. Yes, the four seasons awe me!

I never tire of the thrill in seeing a condor, Turkey Vulture or red tailed hawk fly above me, or when a family of elk or deer are making their way from here to there. I have heard there are even bears and mountain lions, but I have not had the pleasure or displeasure of meeting one.

I am captivated by the people that live in Tehachapi, for the most part, they are warm and inviting. The town and its people have the charm of a hometown vibe. I love how the entrepreneurial spirit thrives in the delightful area of Tehachapi. Small business, franchises, entertainment and even arts and culture are present throughout the community.

Yes, Tehachapi has grown over the years, many things have come and gone, but I still feel the bright and happy feeling of normalcy and nature whenever I visit the area.