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Safe 1 Credit Union recognized as one of nation's strongest financial institutions

Safe 1 Credit Union

For the 38th consecutive quarter, Safe 1 Credit Union has earned a five-star rating from Bauer Financial, the nation’s premier financial institution ratings firm. This honor recognizes Safe 1 as one of the strongest financial institutions in the country.

“It’s a tremendous honor to be recognized by Bauer Financial as one of the strongest credit unions in the nation,” said Doug Kileen, president/CEO for Safe 1 Credit Union. “We would like to thank our staff, Board of Directors and, most importantly, those who bank with us for helping us achieve such recognition for every quarter since June 2011.”

Bauer Financial determines financial institution ratings by performing its own, independent analysis based upon data required by government regulators, along with historical and other information sources. All U.S. chartered banks and federally insured credit unions with assets of at least $1.5 million are reviewed. Institutions neither pay for their rating nor can they elect to not be rated.

About Safe 1 Credit Union

Safe 1 Credit Union operates nine branches, serving more than 70,000 members, with nearly $800 million in assets. Residents of Kern, Kings, Tulare and Fresno Counties can bank with Safe 1 Credit Union.

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