Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Deck your halls and win a prize

The holiday season and what comes with it is a welcome distraction from the past 10 months of 2020. For families, every holiday season comes with the joy and entertainment of seeing colorful and bright decorations throughout Tehachapi neighborhoods. The City of Tehachapi has decided to sponsor a holiday decorating contest for both businesses and homes in the city limits.

"Seeing all of the lights and decorations puts a smile on faces of all ages," said Greg Garrett Tehachapi City Manager.

Knowing that a decorating contest should be a community-wide event, The Loop newspaper was approached and asked if they would want to collaborate with the City. Owner Claudia White said, "Yes, we need to do this; let's work on it together." Bringing The Loop newspaper on board allows for awards to be given to the communities outside of the City limits like Stallion Springs, Bear Valley Springs and Golden Hills.

Over the past two years #LoveTehachapi has helped out throughout the community, taking care of people in need, assisting the elderly and spreading positivity with everything they do. A quick call to Nichole Hamblin asking if #LoveTehachapi would like to help in judging the contest and the response was, "Yes, of course, I know our team would be excited to be involved!"

An announcement was made via social media and a press release created further interest from the Tehachapi Branch Library. "We would love to partner with you guys on something fun for families to do while looking at the lights," said Veronica Wilson Supervisor Tehachapi Library.

The Tehachapi Library is going to put together family Christmas light watching bags which will include a Holiday Lights Bingo card, hot cocoa pack, candy cane, an ornament craft, coloring page, a pair of cool glasses that refract the light and a small sleigh bell for the family Bingo winner.

"We encourage everyone to participate. If you are decorating your home or business send us your address no matter where you live to share for families to drive by and spread a little holiday cheer," said Key Budge Community Engagement Specialist for the City of Tehachapi.

A list of addresses of homes and businesses that are decorating will be available beginning Friday, December 11. Judging will take place December 14 through 16 and the winner announced on Thursday the 17. Let this be a Holiday Parade of Lights that will put smiles on faces during a challenging time for many. Send an email to [email protected] and include your name, address, and phone number to enter the contest or just have your home added for people to enjoy the lights.

The Christmas Light Bingo bags will be available for pick up at the Tehachapi Branch Library, The Loop newspaper (both on Green Street) and Tehachapi City Hall.