Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

What's Up in Stallion Springs?

The Stallion Springs CSD will have a new web site effective Feb. 15, 2017. The new site will be http://www.stallionspringscsd.com. Please be sure to go to this site for the latest Stallion news and information. You can also pay water bills on line, report CC&R violations, municipal code violations, and road issues at this site.

Acting General Manager, David Aranda noted, “The weather then became a real challenge for the community and staff. Staff was out during the holidays and into late night/early morning hours plowing during the recent snowstorms. The staff also attempted to work with other agencies in dealing with flooding of the roads in Stallion. This work also entailed dealing with mud and debris flowing on the roads in certain areas. Letters have gone out to certain property owners in regard to asking their cooperation in preventing mud from flowing onto the roads in the future.”

New Parks & Recreation Manager

Dylan Johnson has been hired as the Parks & Recreation Manager for the Stallion Springs Community Services District, a new position created by the CSD and our Board of Directors, with the vision of developing, growing, and expanding our Parks & Recreation department. Dillon brings with him several years of experience working in recreational management, sports marketing/sales, child development and amateur sports development.

Over the next year, he plans to establish and create amateur co-ed basketball and co-ed volleyball leagues and Moving forward, he is excited to begin development of inline hockey, soccer, baseball, softball, and T-ball leagues. Organized amateur sports are key tools in developing character, leadership, and athleticism of student athletes. Along with the development of amateur sports leagues, Stallion Springs Parks & Recreation will also begin providing the community with a wider range of activities, classes and various programs not only for children, but for adults and senior citizens as well.

Stallion Springs Board of Directors.

Meet on the third Tuesday of every month. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 6 p.m. at the CSD Board Room.

Stallion Springs Library

The Stallion Springs library is now open on Monday nights from 6 to 9 p.m. Please come and visit.

The Library is still looking for volunteers to work on Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to noon or noon to 2 p.m. and Saturdays from noon to 3 p.m.  You can contact Emma Holm at (661) 822-1385 or email me at [email protected].

Property Owners Association

The POA will hold an Informational Meeting with Gregg Garrett, the Tehachapi City Manager, as guest speaker. Greg will presenting a year end report and update on activities in the City of Tehachapi on Tuesday, Feb. 28. Keep that night open and stay tuned for the announcement on time and location.

Equestrian & Hiking Trails

The Stallion Springs trail map is available at the Stallion Springs CSD office for equestrian riders and hikers to use. The Stallion Springs Trail Committee is seeking additional volunteer members who are interested in ensuring that the trails in Stallion Springs are usable. Come out and join us for Trail Work Days where we get together to maintain the trails. It’s not all work, we have fun too; and you will make friends with some very nice people.

For more information, call Barry Leslie, SSTC Chair, at (661) 822-1207

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