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Golden Hills CSD Update

With a lengthy agenda the Golden Hills Community Services District Jan. 19 meeting was called to order for open session at 6 p.m. The meeting began with financial reports presented to the Board and the public. It was ascertained that the district is doing good for this year. A quarterly report will be presented at the February meeting.

After approval of items on the consent calendar, a discussion ensued regarding a policy whereby documents requested and produced upon request of one director be provided to all directors. It was decided the action would be directed for review by staff for their recommendations.

A motion was passed to honor outgoing Directors Larry Barrett and Eldwin Kennedy for their years of service to GHCSD. Board member Cathy Cassil stated “I truly appreciate the service of both of these board members.” David Shaw agreed and said, “It is out of a giving heart that these directors have served.”

The Board then addressed a proposal requested by Director Buckley to discuss and take appropriate action regarding a policy covering procedures, processes and timelines pertaining to outgoing directors. He also requested a discussion that the Board take appropriate action to update the Code of Conduct beginning with agenda processes and order of meeting in order to streamline the process of Board meetings. Both actions were tabled to give staff and legal time to establish written policies that will be presented to Board members at a future session.

After the Golden Hills Sanitation update, the board was assured they are still on track for acquisition to fulfill the requirements to purchase GHSC. The process has been started to apply for a grant to cover Option 1 of the EIR for the Golden Hills Sanitation Company. The Board is waiting on State approval before things can move forward.

After discussion and pubic comment regarding the matter, a motion was voted on and passed 5 to 1 to discuss and take appropriate action regarding notice of renegotiation of existing employment agreements with GHCSD General Manager and Assistant General Manager. A letter will be sent to all parties involved.

After committee reports, the Board addressed the subject of goals and objectives for board members in the coming year as requested by Director Cassil. Director Buckley scheduled a special meeting on February 9 to discuss the matter.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m.