Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Articles from the August 1, 2015 edition

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  • NASA's Super Guppy is still flying!

    Cathy Hansen|Aug 1, 2015

    I wrote this article back in August 2001 about the X-47A Pegasus and the story continues today with the X-47B UCAS. One Saturday afternoon Al and I walked out of a movie theater before the movie ended – we couldn’t stand the images and language. We didn’t feel it necessary to be bludgeoned with Hollywood’s idea of entertainment! We returned to Mojave and headed straight for the airport. It’s a place for us to recharge, to soothe our spirits and focus on what is essential in our lives. Just for...

  • SpaceShip report: Anticipate possible human error

    Aug 1, 2015

    The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) report on the Nov. 31, 2014 crash of Space ShipTwo found that the failure to anticipate human error set the stage for the catastrophe. The NTSB, in a public meeting at Washington, D.C. July 28, 2015, heard testimony by investigators and approved their report. Co-pilot Michael Alsbury of Tehachapi died in the accident. Pilot Peter Siebold, also of Tehachapi, survived a 50,000-foot fall from the disintegrating vehicle. The vehicle tore apart when the tail booms, or feathers, were activated...

  • Forde Shorts

    Aug 1, 2015

    Millenials at work – Young people born during the early 1980s to the mid-2000s (age 18-34 in 2015), known as the Millenial generation, have become the dominant sector in the nation’s labor force, Richard Chapman said at the July 23 meeting of the East Kern Economic Alliance at the Holiday Inn Express. Chapman, president and CEO of Kern Economic Development Corporation, said a 2015 Pew Research Center study shows that Millenials contribute 53.5 million people to the labor force, squeaking past the Gen Xers (born 1965 to 1981, age 35 to 50 in...

  • How about those toilets?

    Liz Block, Water Conservation Coordinator, Tehachapi-Cummings Co Water Dis|Aug 1, 2015

    The Low Flow Toilet Direct Install Program is winding to a close. That’s the program for City of Tehachapi residents that included free toilets and free installation. We officially stopped taking applications the end of June, and are finishing up the installs through July. Thank you so much to all that participated! Together we’ve saved well over 8 Million Gallons a Year! Now I need to ask you participants for one more thing. Please let me know about your new toilets! If you think your new toilets are wonderful, well, of course I’d love to hear...

  • Wrangling those passwords

    Greg Cunningham|Aug 1, 2015

    These days every site you visit wants a password. We’re not supposed to use the same password everywhere. Each site has different rules for the password they’ll allow you to have. What to do? Use a password manager Many people use good old fashioned paper and pencil to keep track of their passwords. This is probably not a good idea if you work in an office where someone else could get at your password list, but in your own home without anyone nosing around it’s probably OK. Of course, that...

  • Tehachapi resident completes training to be a voice for abused & neglected children

    Aug 1, 2015

    Court Appointed Special Advocates announces the graduation ceremony of the most recent class of CASA trainees. The Honorable Louie L. Vega will swear in the graduates as Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Kern County during a special ceremony which will be held at the KCSOS Building, 1300 17th St.on Wednesday, Aug.5, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in Bakersfield. Mary Lou Corpus-Zamudio from Tehachapi completed over 30 hours of CASA training during the week of July 13 through July 17 which was held in Bakersfield. This Advocate was always on time...

  • Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is looking for you!

    Aug 1, 2015

    Or someone you know to, “Stand up for children, so they’ll stand a chance.” What: Orientation for those interested in becoming CASA Volunteers When: Friday, August 21 10 a.m. Where: College Community Services, Building at 113 East F Street, Tehachapi, CA Plan to attend this one hour meeting to learn how you can make a difference in the life of a child in foster care. CASA volunteers make an 18 month commitment and donate an average of 10-15 hours per month in their role as an advocate. All volunteers must be screened and accepted to a 33 hour t...

  • "The 'Dog Days' of Summer"

    Dale Hawkins|Aug 1, 2015

    The Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians called the hottest days of summer the ‘Dog Days’ of summer. To me they’re a sizable chunk of the ‘Hundred Days of Hell.’ To explain: Those of you who know me are aware of my serious aversion to heat. I respect the sun as being vital to all life on earth, but we are far from being close friends. Thus, you can well understand that summer is my least favorite season. While you’re enjoying the Mountain Festival and getting a suntan, I’m hunkered down...

  • Tehachapi National Night Out

    Aug 1, 2015

    Once upon a time, we kept our porch lights on. We opened the door even if we didn’t know who rang the bell. Also, we could always leave the back door unlocked during the day. We know this is no longer possible, but we can join together for a safer community and neighborhoods by your participation in the nationwide “National Night Out” Aug. 4. Please join the Tehachapi Collaborative, Tehachapi Police Department, City of Tehachapi, Tehachapi Valley Recreation and Parks Department and First 5 Kern, in celebration of the 31st “National Night O...

  • Aug 7 - 5 to 8 p.m. Downtown Tehachapi

    Aug 1, 2015

    First Fridays have become a fun evening of refreshments and hospitality and shopping at all the venues participating. Gallery ‘N’ Gifts and the TVAA 100 W. Tehachapi Blvd. First Friday Photo Contest. $100 best of show prize, $25 1st place in each category and ribbons for all other awards. Proceeds from this event fund art scholarships for high school seniors. Tehachapi Treasure Trove is located at 116 E Tehachapi Blvd., right across the street from the water tower in Railroad Park. (see article below) The Tehachapi Christian Store Located at...

  • Tehachapi Treasure Trove

    Susanna Monette|Aug 1, 2015

    Inkopelli is on the move again – expanding their space. Here’s what they have to say: “Inkopelli is growing. Our little store is in the process of expanding to bring you a bigger and better selection of everything you want and need. “We will be bringing you a larger selection of new and used books. That’s not all, you’ll save even more on books as we have slashed prices. Most used books will now sell for just $1.50-$2.50. We have also reduced prices on thousands of new books, with discounts of 30%-75% off publisher’s list prices. Be sure to se...

  • Tehachapi Christian Store

    Aug 1, 2015

    “The Tehachapi Christian Store will once again host local Christian group “Men of Faith” from the Tehachapi Nazarene Church for our August First Friday concert at 6 p.m. They are an evangelical gospel west coast quartet with new sounds of Modern Contemporary and Southern Gospel style. They have been singing together for over a year now. Singers are Danny, Dale, Mike, and Daniel. In their evangelical heritage, they always end their concerts with the invitational song, “God So Loved the World”. As always, the concert is free and refreshme...

  • Sheridan's

    Aug 1, 2015

    Sheridan’s, located at 108 W. Tehachapi Blvd., will be hosting a Western and American Indian Art Auction this First Friday Aug. 7th. Items available include an original bronze horse sculpture by renowned Cowboy Artist Jeff Wolf, a hand carved wooden horse and rider from the estate of Jack Palance, several Craig Tenant prints, American Indian dolls and jewelry, and many other unique and original pieces. Bidding begins 7 p.m., registration prior. Complementary champagne will be served....

  • Dust N' Diamonds

    Aug 1, 2015

    Gracing the Grand Opening of the Tehachapi Mountain Rodeo Associations upcoming PRCA Rodeo on Aug.14–15 in the Milano Arena at the Tehachapi Event Center and Rodeo Grounds will be the Dust N’ Diamonds Equestrian Drill Team. The “Diamonds” are both a competitive and exhibition equestrian drill team. This award winning group of all women ride in unison to create formations and patterns while riding their horses at speeds that would scare the average equestrian. The Dust N’ Diamonds Equestrian Drill Team was founded in 1992 and is composed...

  • Turning Pro from Tehachapi

    Kathleen Kline|Aug 1, 2015

    Neeco “The Rooster” Macias, shown above in the green trunks, now 24 years old, has been boxing for years now. Of late he has fought eight bouts, winning all of them with 4 knockouts to his credits. “Necco will be signing with Golden Boy Promotions shortly,” Al Macias said as both his proud trainer and father. But that is not the only Macias “who is turning pro,” Al added. Chazz Macias, now 18, is “following in [his] brother’s footsteps,” Chazz said with a sparkle in his eyes. The youngest Macias will be the first professional boxer who is still...

  • 100th Rattlesnake Relocated

    Aug 1, 2015

    On July 14, 2015 “The Snake Guys” relocated Rattlesnake 100 this season from the property of Penny Mecklenburg. Penny who lives in Bear Valley Springs was awarded the coveted bottle of Mojave Gold from Indian Wells Brewery. The Snake Guys team of Ron, Debbie and Mike would like to remind you to keep all outside doors closed and give us a call if you have snake problems. Ron Hayton (661) 821-3206 or Mike Kemp (661) 821-0321...

  • Local Cory Lockwood brings home a win!

    Aug 1, 2015

    Heather Kelley (proud sister) reported to the Loop: “Cory Lockwood raced in the 36th annual Cascade Cycling Classic July 22-26, 2015 held in Oregon. He raced in the class called Mens Catogory 2 for 4 days. He won the first day then finished with the main pack the other 3 days. It was a really competative race. With the winning yellow jersery on it is like he had a target on him. He didn’t have to win each day to keep the overall lead so he conserved energy and finished with enough of a time gap to keep his lead. It is the longest con...

  • Green Street Crossing, now more vehicle and pedestrain friendly

    Aug 1, 2015

    The Union Pacific Railroad Maintenance crews performed track maintenance and improvement work at the Green Street crossing. The crossing was completely closed for the 4 day construction period that was completed Monday July 27. The maintenance activity included repairs to the tracks themselves as well as minor adjacent roadway improvements. The crossing is more vehicle and pedestrian friendly, check it out for yourself. photo by Nick Smirnoff (NPPA)...

  • August 8 - Chalk on the Walk is coming to the sidewalks of Tehachapi

    Aug 1, 2015

    Artists of all ages and skill level will grace our sidewalks with their creations. Tehachapi Valley Arts Association is looking for sponsors to make the event a spectacular success. Sponsors at the $100 level will receive their name or business name on the 2015 Chalk on the Walk t-shirt. They will also receive a t-shirt, a 4’ x 4’ sidewalk square and a box of 24 chalks to create their own masterpieces. Donations of any amount, gift cards or anything our artists might enjoy will help us to make the 15th annual Chalk on the Walk a wonderful day f...

  • Chamber Luncheon "Better Libraries for Kern County"

    Aug 1, 2015

    Rachel Glauser of "Better Libraries for Kern County" spoke to the Greater Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce at their July 21 luncheon meeting. The organization is a coalition of Kern citizens, taxpayers and small business owners who are encouraging the Kern County Board of Supervisors to consider public-private partnership (P3) in the operations of our public libraries. The partnerships would allow the libraries to remain public assets but be operated by the private sector. The group believes that the operation would be more efficient and allow...

  • Lions Club Blood Drive

    Aug 1, 2015

    The Tehachapi Lions Club sponsored the July 21st Houchin Bank Blood Drive at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. The Lions sponsor the blood drive every eight weeks at Good Shepherd. The Lions provide cookies, beverages, guidance and encouragement. Come to the next blood drive on Sept. 15th from 12-6 p.m. at Good Shepherd which is located at 329 S. Mill St. Individuals interested in community service are invited to join the Lions Club on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. For more information, please contact Suzanne Williams at...

  • Canvas and Cabernet GTEDC fundraiser

    Aug 1, 2015

    On July 24, 2015 the Greater Tehachapi Economic Development Council (GTEDC) held a fundraiser, sponsored by BHE Renewables. It was a fun night of food, wine and art. Tickets sold out and a great time was had by all. Colleen Grant of The Art Studio in Tehachapi instructed guests on painting their own Tuscan-inspired work of art. Enjoy even more photos of this fun event on The Loop’s Facebook page....

  • Tompkins Elementary to get a new drop-off and pick-up area

    Aug 1, 2015

    The City of Tehachapi has Teamed Up with the Tehachapi Unified School District to build a new drop-off & pick-up area at Tompkins Elementary, along Pinon Street. This project is being done by the same contractor who is constructing the new medians on south Curry St and while we’re working hard to see that the contractor finishes the improvements before school starts, there is a chance that the work will extend into the beginning of the school year. Thank you in advance for your patience with any ongoing work. We’ll keep everyone informed of...

  • Camp Kiya in full musical swing

    Aug 1, 2015

    Above: Workshops under the pines. All weeklong classes and workshops were held in the mess hall, various cabins and many were outside, mixed with the scent of pines. Above right: No open flames are allowed in the forest this year so these enterprising young musicians brought their own communal campfire for everyone to jam around at night....

  • Music in the Park for the Kids

    Aug 1, 2015

    An afternoon of music and song, fun and dance, were on tap for youngsters who attended the Nick and Jen music show at Central Park on Saturday July 25th. Sponsored by the TVRPD “Music in the Park” summer series the interactive program encourages children through dance and movement along with a large dose of their own imagination to eat healthy, have a positive attitude, help Mom and Dad, be cool in school and take care of friends. Photos by- Nick Smirnoff (NPPA)...

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