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City of Tehachapi
The Tehachapi City Council approved by unanimous vote on Sept. 18 to launch a new sign grant program for city of Tehachapi businesses. The program is a re-creation of a former Downtown Sign Program that was started in the early 2000s. The new program will go beyond downtown businesses and be available to small businesses within the city limits.
• Grant program includes reimbursement by the city at a value of up to 50% of eligible sign costs up to a maximum of $3,000 and a minimum of $500.
• Acceptance of the grant will include conditions for maintenance of the sign for a three-year period.
• Sign grants will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Should applicants exceed fundings, staff will prioritize applications based on location, level of financial participation by the property owner and benefit the sign has on the city.
• Upon completion of the sign project, the city will reimburse the applicant for paid receipts up to the agreed upon amount of the grant.
• Small businesses are defined in the terms and conditions, but include businesses that employ fewer than 20 employees.
• Applicants cannot have any active code enforcement violations.
• Grants cannot be used for "maintenance" of signage, but for new exterior signs.
• Terms and conditions and application process are included in this staff report.
The funding will come from the general fund totaling $30,000 and will be assigned to the Economic Development Support Fund. Following the passing of Measure S, the City of Tehachapi's one-cent sales tax last November, voter outreach identified "protecting local businesses and jobs" as one of the funding priorities. The City of Tehachapi continues to explore ways to do that and assisting with quality signage is one of those avenues.
For more details visit http://www.liveuptehachapi.com/signgrant/.