Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Sex Ed

California law states that Comprehensive Sex Ed must be taught in public schools at least once in middle school and once in high school.

Beginning in the year 2001, I taught sexual health (the legal term at that time was Sex Education with an emphasis on abstinence), in both middle and high school. In preparation, I observed both faith-based curriculums and non-faith curriculums. My conclusion? I didn’t care for either one. Both “sides” seemed to have a bias that attempted to lead the listener to “their” side. In my opinion, facts should be given based on medically accurate facts, not personal opinions; thereby, allowing the listener to come to their own conclusion. I developed my own curriculum, straight facts, on the health risks and prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections and the risk of pregnancy. This resulted in a 15-year career teaching Sex Ed, booking schools throughout Kern County, a year in advance, and serving over 50,000 students. This is evidence that our culture desired facts verses opinions.

In public schools, parents have a right to “opt” their child out of Sex Ed classes. Although I understand the many reasons of choosing to opt a child out, it saddens me that a parent feels the need to choose this option. At some point in life most of us are faced with a decision to make about a physical relationship, a rather serious decision I might add: Is this the right time? The right person? What are the risks? What do I base this decision on? As one that comes from the background of teaching these classes for 15 years, it concerns me that our teens may not get the necessary education and knowledge to make an informed decision. Knowledge is power and without that power, unfortunately many of our youth may suffer at the hands of pressure and lack of education on the subject. Many enter a physical relationship without a full understanding of the consequences.

Our goal at the Family Life Pregnancy Center is to help this community with free resources and fact-based education. I am offering an alternative to those who have chosen to opt out of public-school Sex Ed. Beginning in November, I will be offering a three-hour seminar on Sex Ed, approximately three different dates during the school year. This course is not through the Tehachapi Unified School District, nor accredited. This is for those that desire just the straight-up facts on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), the risks of pregnancy, options in the event a pregnancy occurs and how to set healthy boundaries. Students will be taught how STIs are transmitted and the health risks that may come. They will get education on how and where to get tested for STI’s.

These seminars will not be held at the Family Life Pregnancy Center, but off-site on a Saturday morning. For the time and location, please contact Dee Zimmerman at the center by calling (661) 823-8255.