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Narcan now available in Tehachapi

While many would like to avoid the subject of drug overdoses, it has been estimated by the California Department of Public Health that in 2021 there were over 21,000 drug overdoses, 7,175 of those reported overdoses ended in death.

Keeping that in mind Cornerstone Center for Counseling and Discipleship on J Street in Tehachapi has, in their dedication to its community members, become a trained distribution center of Narcan.

“Narcan is a medication that can be administered by anyone with a little training, especially with the nasal spray that we are now able to teach others to use to help someone they find overdosing due to the use of opioid drugs,” Director of Cornerstone Center Jaime Dahm said.

We are able to become a source within our community for this free medication that is designed to reverse the effects of too many opioids in the body, Dahm explained.

This is not just for illegal drug users.

“This anti-overdose medication is for people in your life who may be on doctor-prescribed opioids as well as for the parent, aunt, uncle, friend who thinks their family member or friend is experimenting with drugs,” Dahm said.

Because at the end of the day, there are many incidents of accidental overdoses, both prescription and non-prescription.

Narcan can help block the effects of opioids from 30 to 90 minutes, which may be the difference between life and death.

Administering Narcan via the nose can give you the time to get a call into 911 and to get the overdosed individual help.

If you would like to be trained on how to use the Narcan nasal spray, please call Cornerstone Center for Counseling and Discipleship at (661) 750-0438, or drop by 410 W. J St., Ste. A, in Tehachapi and set up time to become trained, for free, how to save someone’s life.

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