Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

A joyful, abundant, healthy life

This is article No. 5 in a series. See previous The Loop newspaper issues for more information, education and inspiration in how Joyful Life Hypnotherapy can help you have the joyful life you deserve.

Come celebrate with Rosemary Powell at the Open House of her new office:

Joyful Life Hypnotherapy, 116 S. Robinson St., Tehachapi, on Thursday, June 22 from 4 to 6 p.m.

Rosemary Powell, with Joyful Life Hypnotherapy is a board certified, Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist, she helps clients by guiding them into the relaxed state of hypnotic trance. Her clients' improvements are evident with only a few sessions. Contact her for a complimentary consultation. A joyful, abundant, healthy life can be yours.

More success stories of Rosemary's clients:

From a teen with relationship issues, depression:

I walked in with tears pooling rolling down my cheeks. We then spent the next hour talking about everything...you listened to me, paid careful attention, you offered helpful guidance and advice. I will never forget that day...how much better you made me feel when I was at my lowest point. I could never begin to thank you.

From a woman with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed, insomnia:

After just one hypnotherapy session with Rosemary to work on my anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed, I feel no anxiety, I feel at peace. I slept deeply, which I have not done in a long time. I am more conscious of time with the anxiety gone. I even walked my dogs saying my affirmations. I am doing little things which I would not be able do because I was feeling so overwhelmed and had too much on my mind. I feel peaceful about accomplishing my future goals.

From woman with IBS with severe pain, unable to eat almost anything:

My abdomen has been in pain for several years, several diagnoses. During my second session, pain was an 8, then reduced to a 2! Rosemary taught me how to do this myself.

From a client with recurring nightmares and night terrors:

I have had a terrible nightmares for many years, waking me up in a panic. Gone since my first session. Rosemary is awesome.

From gentleman with overactive bladder/anxiety:

I went to the dentist today and to CVS. In the past, that would have triggered multiple bathroom visits. Not one visit today! I don't know how you did it, but I want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I got my life back.

From a woman with childhood issues:

Rosemary Powell was inspiring and supportive. I looked forward to our sessions because Rosemary gave me the tools I never had in life. Not only did they leave me refreshed, but they gave me a new way to look at life. Rosemary is the least judgmental person I have ever met, and she can help you relieve the emotional distress you may be in right now. I urge you to reach out to her.

Contact Rosemary Powell, CMS, CHT, FNLP at Joyful Life Hypnotherapy at (661) 238-9154 or [email protected]. Visit us at http://www.JoyfulLifeHypnotherapy.com.