Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Remembering Evelyn Geisler

To many people Eve Geisler was the eccentric lady who approached their table in local restaurants with a full repertoire of corny jokes. However, she was so much more. So very much more!

I met Eve and her husband Bob in 1965 at Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Lancaster when our infant sons shared a crib in the church nursery. In 1971 both families bought property on Old Town Rd. and we moved to Tehachapi to build our new homes as neighbors. This was quite the adventure, working first at one house, then the other. Our children still remember their many adventures as "construction kids."

By profession Eve was a pharmacist. Many of you will remember Geislers Drugstore which she and Bob owned and operated from 1989 to 1997. Her speciality was helping people deal with type 1 diabetes.

Eve was an accomplished musician with a beautifully trained soprano voice. She loved listening to classical music and when she stopped by for a visit in recent years, she always wanted me to turn up my background music. She would sit in her favorite rocking chair and get lost in the beauty of Beethoven or Bach. Then without warning she would jump up and go to my piano and start playing, ending her impromptu concert with a rousing rendition of Chopsticks.

Eve was an expert Braille transcriber. She was a Lutheran Braille Transcriber and was also involved in Braille music. She inspired her father to become a Braille transcriber at age 68, and he received a Points of Light award from President George H.W. Bush for his service, having transcribed over 400 books on a multitude of subjects.

A long time member of Kiwanis, it was her joy to participate in all the activities she could. Whether service or social, she loved interacting with people. Among other offices, she served several years as treasurer.

Another aspect of Eve's many talents is that she was a published author. She wrote "The Canal Murder," "Local Boy Makes Good" and "Mousetrap." They were the Claire Burton Detective Series. The main character, Claire, is diabetic. She also wrote "Sweet Talks With God," a devotional for people dealing with diabetes, "Touched by God," a devotional for mental illness, and "Second Chance," a fictional story about an embittered woman who has a chance to see what life might be like if Jesus came for the first time today.

A woman of deep and abiding faith, Eve was a member of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church for over 50 years. Over the years she served on the church council, as organist, choir director and on the preschool board of directors.

Eve Geisler was a lady of jokes and laughter. She was a person of many hidden talents.

She was a person who loved service and to be of service. She had a deep love of music.

She had an unshakable faith.

Above all, she was my friend.

[Editor's note: Born in Dayton, Ohio on Oct. 13, 1938 Eve passed away at her home in Tehachapi on Dec. 27, 2022. A memorial is planned for Feb. 11 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 329 S. Mill St., Tehachapi. A big thank you to Jeannette Crounse for sharing her memories of Eve.]