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Service Above Self: Rotary in action

Rotary Club of Tehachapi

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." – Anne Frank

To achieve "Peace on earth, good will toward men" this holiday season and beyond, each of us needs to regularly practice peace in our own lives. Things as simple as holding open a door, smiling and saying "hello," allowing that car to merge (even when you know you don't have to). It's small acts of kindness. It's being patient with the over-worked clerk; allowing the customer behind you with just one item to go ahead of you at the grocery check-out; it's stopping to thank the volunteer ringing the bell instead of rushing past and trying not to be seen. Peace is the result of each one of us doing our part, serving others first.

The motto of Rotary is "Service Above Self." This Holiday season, the Rotary Club of Tehachapi is pleased to be able to honor Allison Russo with a "Service Above Self" award. Allison came to our attention after we received a phone call from a local citizen who wanted to tell us how Allison always made her day when she shopped at our local WalMart. She said Allison never failed to smile, to ask how she was, to laugh with her as she rang up her purchases. So many times each day we interact with others, but we fail to really pay attention to one another. Allison is one of those lovely human beings who makes sure that each interaction she has with a customer is positive and makes their day just a bit brighter. Imagine if every day we all followed Allison's example and had a ready smile, a kind word for everyone we met? Peace on earth could be a real possibility.

The Rotary Club of Tehachapi is a volunteer service organization with the motto, "Service Above Self." The club meets on Thursdays at noon. For more information about Rotary Club, you can visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/RotaryClubofTehachapi/ or contact club President Judy Trujillo, (661) 699-5851.