Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Should you go off-grid? (part 2)

Series: Go off grid | Story 2

Continued from our Aug. 20, 2022 issue.

"I consider myself something of a prepper," I was recently told by a new acquaintance.

This is becoming a popular sentiment. As various supply chains come up short or almost dry up completely, we're starting to get the message that we've reached a tipping point in our consumerism and are about to find out what we're addicted to when it's no longer available, even from Amazon.

It seems smart to try to notice our consumer dependencies and compulsions and to start to dismantle them before they're dismantled for us. For instance, when some of our basic grocery purchases spiked in price, it gave us pause and had us considering options we've never fathomed before – but, if you've gotta have your chocolate hazelnut spread, go ahead and stockpile it. Or, better yet, grab a good copy-cat recipe online to make your own.

Realizing we've been operating a bit codependently is freeing because it gives us the opportunity to choose freely.

Interdependency is the healthy version of this, even in an area like Tehachapi that prizes independence, privacy and the desire to live life on your own terms. We like to engage in friendly ways; we also like to manage our personal boundaries.

It can take a little courage to see where we might be overreliant on certain services and seek to generate them independent of those entities. For instance, thanks to many brownout warnings, you might want to start harnessing the Sun's energy for (relatively) free. So, should you switch your home to solar, or maybe start small and swap your batteries for rechargeable ones?

What about getting a generator and a propane stove?

Is now the time to get food stockpiles going? Sophisticated canning and jarring seems to be catching on, judging from online forums.

Are you at least on prepping and off-grid social media groups, where you can get some guidance?

Off-grid can also mean "off-matrix," which means leaving the fear out of it. Cultivating an empowering mindset allows us to make life decisions with freedom and clarity, not in reaction to something outside of us.

Prepping the mind is actually far more important than prepping our larders, come what may. So, stay the boss of your happiness, and don't let any one person or institution live rent-free in your mind, body or spirit to the point that it affects you. For all these reasons, pre-prepping is sort of like pre-drilling. It's just a good idea.

Write to Scott at [email protected] with suggestions and comments.

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