Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

2022 Calgonquin 25K/50K goes virtual

Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold the Calgonquin 25K/50K on the Lehigh Trails in Tehachapi in 2022.

The land changed ownership last year and our many efforts to secure permission from the landowners for the event have been unsuccessful. This deeply saddens us as we’ve put in countless hours of preparation for a successful event in Tehachapi.

Once it appeared unlikely that the original trails would be an option, we started looking for an alternate location that was close to Tehachapi with similar trails and, of course, lots of vert and dirt.

We found a route just north of Tehachapi on Bureau of Land Management property. We spent a day scoping out a nice race course and reached out to BLM for approval to hold the event there. We submitted an application last fall, but the BLM has been dragging its feet on giving us final approval. Our contact recently advised us that we “might” have a decision on March 15. This is just not enough time to prepare for a successful event, and it wouldn’t be wise to proceed with the possibility of them denying our application.

Since we can’t hold a live event and we have thousands of dollars of Calgonquin swag sitting in our dad’s garage, we are offering a virtual option.

You can run a 25K or 50K of similar elevation gain or run the unmarked Calgonquin course on Lehigh Trails, between April 1-30.

If you decide to run the Calgonquin course on Lehigh Trails, please let us know. We’d love to try to come out and cheer you on.

If you decide to run the actual course between Thursday, April 28 and Saturday, April 30, we will be there! Plus, our east coast brother, Trent, will be flying out to party with us!

Anyone who does the virtual option will receive the finisher’s mug, a choice between two different Hoorags and three different visors. So you get one Hoorag and one visor, plus the mug! Upon completion of the virtual run, we will mail all these items out to you!

We will be at TK’s Pizza on Saturday, April 30 from 5 to 9 p.m. for those who would like to pick up their swag! Come hang out and eat delicious pizza!

In addition, we have beautiful Calgonquin sweatshirts and three different Boco hats for sale at $25 each, available on the ALQ online store, http://www.alqultras.org/shop or at TK’s on April 30.

If you are unable to do it virtually, you have two options: 1. donate the money to ALQ Ultras (a nonprofit whose initiative is to raise awareness for and increase access to established recreational trails through ultra-distance running events) or 2. get a refund.

Let us know your decision by April 30 by completing this form online: tinyurl.com/9w2ajbua

Again, we are disappointed that the Calgonquin 25K/50K event will not be held in person this year.

Stay healthy and get on a trail!

– The Swanson brothers