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Tehachapi Mountain Alano Club

Alcoholism and drug addiction have plagued society for centuries. It's nearly impossible to find someone who has not been affected by this disease, whether personally or through a friend, loved one or coworker. The ongoing opioid crisis has exacerbated an already serious problem. Alcoholics Anonymous, Alanon and other 12-step programs have been around for almost a century, bringing hope and healing to communities. Alano clubs were later created to give 12-step groups a more permanent place to hold meetings, but these clubs are not affiliated with the 12-step programs they help facilitate and attendance at such meetings is always free.

The Tehachapi Mountain Alano Club was formed during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Although they have been accommodating 12-step recovery meetings right from the start, they have experienced an excessive delay in getting their 501(c)3 nonprofit license. It's taken well over a year, but just last month, they were finally approved. Club president, Jimmy Walker said, "It's been a long time coming, but now that we're officially a nonprofit organization, we can begin to accept donations of used cars and money and we can begin have fundraisers to help promote recovery here in Tehachapi. It's a really exciting time for us." When asked, Walker stated that 100% of proceeds go directly to the Alano Club.

So why should people donate to this organization? Because people in recovery, especially those newly clean and sober, are often self-isolated loners who see no way out. They cannot imagine a life worth living that doesn't included drugs and alcohol. Most of them used and drank at least in part to avoid strong emotions and to escape their chaotic lives. The Tehachapi Mountain Alano Club provides a network of people in various stages of recovery. Those with more time and experience offer guidance and friendship to people new to this way of life. The club provides a place for these people to meet and take back their lives in a healthy way - to learn how to have fun and enjoy life without the use of drugs and alcohol.

The Tehachapi Mountain Alano Club is "people in recovery helping people in recovery." They are located at 303 E. H St., Tehachapi. If you have any questions or would like to find out more about donating to this worthy cause, please call Jim Walker at (303) 378-4708. Visit their website for a schedule of meetings and other information: http://www.TehachapiAlanoClub.com.