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Nunsense is one helluva holy romp at the BeeKay Theatre

Tehachapi Community Theatre Spotlight

It's a hoot! The answer to your prayers! Five nuns on stage, four in the freezer!

Raising hell since its Off-Broadway debut in 1985, Nunsense brings "the humor of the nun" to Tehachapi Community Theatre's BeeKay Theatre. With dynamite singing, a pinch of puppetry, the tip-tap of time steps, and a hefty dose of soul, it's no wonder this musical comedy is the second-longest-running Off-Broadway show. This one's good, old-fashioned fun!

The loose storyline is that five nuns from the Little Sisters of Hoboken are putting on a musical revue to raise money after their convent was nearly wiped out by some accidentally-lethal soup courtesy of Sister Julia, Child of God, the resident chef. Luckily, the remaining ragtag group of five nuns are immensely entertaining and so is the show they put on.

First up is the Mother Superior, played by Jenifer Thysens. This is her stage debut for TCT, but she impresses as being a long-time veteran. Her performance lives up to the title "superior."

Mother Superior's sidekick is Leslie Reynolds' Sister Hubert, Mistress of Novices. Nunsense is another show in a long line of performances for Reynolds who is no novice to the local theater scene. Reynolds is radiant, her voice a low purr that then erupts into a mighty roar.

Together, the duo of Thysens and Reynolds bring enough soul to inspire an "amen!" or two from the audience. Their harmonies in Act Two's "Just a Coupl'a Sisters" highlight each performer's unique tone, somehow made even more sensational when featured side-by-side.

Sister Mary Leo, young and meek with a secret dream to be the "first nun ballerina," is brought to life by Sierra Christian, who is returning to the BeeKay stage after starring in 2020's Young Frankenstein, the musical. Sweet-voiced and charming, Christian brings personality that's endearing and cute as a button.

As our fourth nun in the lineup, TCT favorite Opal Lawler-Martin is back in the spotlight as Sister Robert Anne. Robert Anne is Brooklyn born and rather rowdy, therefore the part requires charisma, humor, and heart – all of which Lawler-Martin nails, living up to the expectations of her fans. She's one you can count on for theatricality.

Rounding out the fab five is (dare I say?) crowd-favorite Laura Kaminski as Sister Mary Amnesia. As her name implies, this nun's memory is gone. Kaminski is subtly but consistently laugh-aloud funny, delivering everything from nuanced glances to an absurdly hilarious puppet interlude with comedic instincts that can't be taught. Under Mary Amnesia's watch, a pop quiz has never been so fun. Answer correctly, and you, too, could win a prayer card of an obscure saint! As if her comic prowess wasn't enough, Kaminski's voice is full of wonderful surprises and veritable vocal gymnastics. (Yep, I'm fangirling, here.)

Put 'em all together, and these five women bring incredible energy to the beautiful BeeKay Theatre. Their big voices tear through the non-stop musical performances with dynamite chemistry to boot. The whole thing is a can't-miss romp. Get your tickets now!

Tickets are $18 and are available online at http://www.tctonstage.com, and at both Tehachapi Furniture and Tehachapi Treasure Trove. A limited number of tickets may be available at the BeeKay Box Office, which opens 30 minutes prior to each show. Advanced purchase is recommended.

Performances are at 7:30 p.m. on September 25, October 1, 2 and Matinee Shows at 2 p.m. on September 26 and October 3 at the beautiful BeeKay Theatre downtown. The BeeKay Theatre is located at 110 South Green Street, Tehachapi.