Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Reflecting on National Day of Prayer in Tehachapi

We had two city-wide meetings in Tehachapi on Thursday, May 6, the National Day of Prayer.

At noon about 100 people gathered in front of City Hall to pray.

Pastor Ken Burton of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church led us in "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and "They'll Know We are Christians by Our Love." It was great to see many people from different churches all over the city coming together to ask God's healing for America.

At 7 p.m. about 50 people from different churches came to Summit Christian Fellowship on Curry Street. We asked God to have mercy on the United States and to give us wise and godly leaders in government, in our schools and in our businesses. We thanked God for how blessed we are.

In the evening service Caleb Hairston, Jeff Cooper and Pat Mata, who are all members of the Native American blues/rock band Blue Mountain Tribe, led us in many songs of praise and worship. It is a great experience to sing praise songs with a 30-second guitar solo in the middle of every song!

Pastor John Wold of Summit brought a powerful message of hope that "God is not done with America." Everyone who came to either meeting expressed how good it was to gather with believers from other churches. I hope that next year more pastors will encourage their people to come and be a part of this important day!

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