Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

What's Up in Stallion Springs?

Drive with care, the elk and deer are enjoying the fall. They are out roaming the fields and roads getting ready for winter. The lake is a good place for a drink and a bath to cool off from the hot weather. Be careful while driving through the area. They may be crossing the roads in groups or playing follow the leader with short distances between them. Also, watch out for people watching them from stopped cars.

Where are you getting informed?

"One of my main goals as General Manager is to keep frustration down in the community. Why is it that so many are quick to jump to social media and point fingers or stir the pot? Social media is not a credible source for accurate information and you may be hurting someone, hurting the community or hurting yourself by the post you are making or responding to. Is it really worth your time and energy? I am personally encouraging you all to go right to the source and pick up the phone or stop by and talk to me or our staff for the right information. You will be glad you did. Thank you for your continued support."

– Vanessa Stevens, General Manager


The Stallion Springs CERT team held a farewell drive-by for Rick and Sandy Young on Sunday, September 27 honoring Sandy as our SSCERT Founder, Program Manager, Instructor and Team Lead, from 2003 to 2020. If it weren't for Sandy, Stallion Springs would not have had a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and, of course, Rick supported and joined Sandy in all her time volunteering, hard work to establish, develop, grow, and train and lead SSCERT to the level it has reached today. Sandy made SSCERT a well known, well trained and established CERT Volunteer group in the Tehachapi communities.

Sandy served on our SS CSD Board of Directors for some 13 years with NO absences. No matter where she was in the U.S., she made it her priority to return to Stallion Springs to attend the CSD Board monthly board meetings.

Sandy and Rick are moving to Arizona. Call her or send a card thanking her for her outstanding community service.

Movie night

Movie night in the park put on by Stallion Springs Parks was a great success. It was an incredible night watching the kids run around and play. Thanks to Stallion Springs General Store and Ashmore Motors for making this happen. Also thank you to the Stallion Springs POA for the candy.

Police Report

If you have a life-threatening emergency call 911 and specify to the dispatcher that you live in Stallion Springs. The Stallion Springs Police Department is dispatched through the Kern County Sheriff's Office.

For non-life-threatening issues, please call (661) 861-3110. You may contact us by email or using the contact information provided on the CSD website http://www.stallionspringscsd.com. If you wish to make an appointment to speak with an officer contact the CSD at (661) 822-3268. Appointments maybe canceled at any time due to limited police staffing.

The Stallion Springs Police Department encourages our residents and guests to sign up for our Nixle public notification alerts and to create a Smart911 profile. These safety communication

Systems are free for you to sign up, visit www.nixle.com or www.smart911.com.


The Stallion Springs new library is now open. Hours of operation are Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday noon to 3 p.m. The address is 20030 Pellisier Road and the phone number is (661) 822-4003. There are many exciting new authors and genres. Come visit, everyone is welcome. Masks are required. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Line Dancing

Learn basic and intermediate steps used in line dancing. Have fun toning and strengthening your body while dancing to a variety of music. No partner needed for this class. It's free starting Wednesday, October 14. You must be 18 or over. Contact the CSD for further information

October Craft Night

October Craft Night will be on October 14 at 6 p.m. in the Community Center Gym. We will be making a reversible pumpkin and snowman for the upcoming holidays. Sign up at the CSD. Limited to 15 crafters. Cost $15

Neighborhood watch

Meetings are on the fourth Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. Next meeting is on October 27 in the Corral Room, 27850 Stallion Springs Drive. ALL are welcome! Bring your friends and neighbors! Meet our SSPD and get the latest updates on how to prevent crime in our neighborhood.