Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Working on two fronts

From the City Manager

As we continue this modified version of life during the Coronavirus pandemic, it's important to note that we're working on two fronts simultaneously here in the City of Tehachapi.

What I mean by that is obviously we're working through a variety of issues as related to COVID-19 and dealing with those on a daily basis. This is work with a variety of partners, our fellow cities, our law enforcement agencies and health care leaders; all of whom are doing incredible work as we adjust to the continued moving target that we are dealing with on a daily basis.

I'm in contact daily with members of the Adventist Health Tehachapi Valley leadership, the Kern County Office of Emergency Services and my fellow City Managers around the county as we put our heads together to combat COVID-19 and protect our citizens as best we can. Our business model has certainly changed but our services remain, and we're dedicated to continuing to serve the people through this interesting time.

Our communication efforts are busier than ever as we provide information from a variety of sources as it pertains to residents in the City of Tehachapi. Our recently launched podcast "TehachaPod" has several new episodes where we check in with Assemblyman Vince Fong, local communications and journalism professionals and those at the Kern County Library in regard to how to access resources while the library is physically closed. The show is now available on all major podcast platforms and we believe all our remotely recorded shows have valuable information for listeners.

Also, this past week our public works department installed our American flags on the light posts in downtown. The flags normally aren't installed until Memorial Day but we thought it was critical during this challenging time to remind our residents that the United States of America has been challenged before and been victorious, and this too will be a victory for our country and the American way of life when it passes. To extend that sentiment, I'm challenging all residents, both in the City of Tehachapi and the outskirts to proudly display their flags as well in a movement of solidarity for our country and our fellow man.

As we will recover, City staff is also focused on those efforts too. We know that eventually life will get back to normal and that means being prepared for that reality. We are working with organizations that host special events and community gatherings to figure out a way to celebrate our return to regular life whenever that may be. We have people working on assisting our small businesses in acquiring enough capital to remain solvent during closure or reduced hours as the multitude of assistance packages become available.

We are trying to predict what our new economy might look like after this passes and I am confident that the City of Tehachapi will be a leader in Kern County in addressing that new business climate and creating a place where business can once again thrive. We are planning on recovery as we speak, while at the same time addressing the crisis head on. It's a balancing act but an important one to ensure when we return to normal that we hit the ground running as we always have.

Stay safe, stay home if possible and please reach out to me with any questions or concerns at [email protected].