Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

2020 Devil Pups Youth Leadership program cancelled

We have received news and guidance from Marine Corps Installations-West, Camp Pendleton, of the cancellation of all NFE (Non-Federal Entities) activities through August 31, 2020. As you may be aware, Camp Pendleton is engaged in mitigating and combating the spread of the Coronavirus. Leadership at all levels is challenged with ensuring the smooth operation of the base Emergency Operations Center.

Obviously, this negatively impacts our plans for conducting the 2020 Devil Pups Encampment and requires its cancellation. Included in this cancellation are all Kern County Devil Pups Physical Fitness Tests and Tryouts, as well as pre-camp training. This will be the first, and God willing, our last cancellation of the annual Devil Pups Encampment held at the base, after a consecutive run of 65 years. However, all is not lost. We encourage all Devil Pups candidates, Eagle applicants, staff and supporters that the program, like our great nation, will rebound robustly. We are already reviewing and preparing for next year’s 2021 program. Please exercise prudent and intelligent measures to stay safe and healthy.

Questions or need for clarification will receive a rapid response. Contact Dick Taylor for more information at (661) 332-8394.