Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Faith's discoveries and opportunities along life's journey

Every person’s life journey is a true adventure from conception onward to eternity. There are twists and turns, valleys and mountains, setbacks and blessings. Lots of surprises.

The Catholic Church offers an open invitation to inactive Catholics and curious non-Catholics alike to explore life’s journey anew, relying on the gift of faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Every parish hosts an RCIA program for inquirers. At St. Malachy Church on Mill and E Streets in Tehachapi, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program starts up again on Sept. 18 and will meet Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. in the parish hall – McMullan Hall, 444 W. E St. in Tehachapi.

Trusting that God beckons us all towards His great heart, always leading and pointing the way, the RCIA program is a faith response to God’s call. As the profound truths and mysteries of the Christian faith before us, unexpected discoveries and opportunities await us.

All are invited. If you are a non-Catholic this does not necessarily mean that you have made a decision to become Catholic. It simply means that you are interested in understanding the two-thousand-year-old Catholic faith and how it helps each person walk confidently in God’s holy love and will.

If you are a baptized Catholic who has never received the sacrament of Confirmation or who has lost touch with the Church, you are also warmly invited to attend the RCIA program.

Since 1887, St. Malachy parish has been a beacon in Tehachapi offering God’s grace and sacraments. Like every person the Church, too, has been on a wondrous journey to our God, reaching out to all peoples and sharing the struggles and complications of this troubled world. But, with St. Paul, we remind ourselves that where sin abounds – and troubles and complications – God’s grace abounds even more!

The Book of Ecclesiastes reminds us, “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven…” (Ecc. 3:1) including, “a time to seek.” Is this your time to seek God anew? To explore faith in Christ and deepen and clarify your own faith journey? A call to a Catholic friend asking about RCIA could be helpful.

The parish office may be contacted at (661) 822-3060 or [email protected].