Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Smiles in pajamas

Grassroots Tehachapi

The day before Easter is always hectic. Fun, but hectic.

Egg dying, food prep, covert bunny helper operations. This year I added one more item to my to do list and I'm so glad I did. Goat Yoga.

California Goat Yoga holds classes in Tehachapi and throughout the state. This specific class, held at Slice of Life Enrichment School, was a little more special though. With a new family of baby goats, this was a goat pajama party, as well as a yoga class. Each little one was dressed in diapers and pajamas. Not only is this one of the cutest things I've ever seen, but it considerably lowers the chance of little blessings ending up on the floor and mats.

Alex Mullenax, owner of Mullenax Ranch and California Goat Yoga, said with her busy schedule, preparing for these classes is a lot of work. But as she looked across the room of giggling participants and prancing baby goats she smiled and said, "it's worth it."

Honestly, I can't tell you what was cuter. The baby goats showing off their pjs or the faces of the yoga students. I have heard of the goat yoga trend, but seeing it in person gave me a great boost.

The yoga practiced is perfect for beginners, which it really has to be since you never know when a little visitor is going to come between you and your pose. Even the simplest downward facing dog is pretty impossible with a little goat settling in for a nap on your lap. But missing a few poses didn't matter to this group. This class is about far more than fitness.

Probably the biggest muscle worked that day was the smile muscles. With each little "bleat" from a goat, the participants began to quietly giggle.

I highly recommend taking a goat yoga class. It provides a healthy vacation for your body and your heart. Thank you to the Mullenax family for bringing such a joyful experience to the Tehachapi community.

If you're interested in taking a goat yoga class, check out the California Goat Yoga website for more information at http://www.californiagoatyoga.com. Also, visit the Mullenax Ranch online at http://www.mullenaxranch.com.

See you next time and be kind to one another!

Do you know an inspirational group, individual or program that should be featured in an upcoming Grassroots Tehachapi? Email me at [email protected].