Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Moving on after 'Goodbye'

From the City Manager

Last week we said goodbye to our friend and Mayor Ed Grimes. We closed a historic chapter in our City's history in which Ed played an integral part, we'll continue to think of him, his family and the fingerprints he left on our community for many years to come. They say heroes are remembered, but legends never die. I think that applies to Mayor Ed Grimes.

With our goodbyes said, we in City Hall now must move forward with our City business. It's a necessity for the people and our duty as public servants. It is not easy to do as we are reminded on a daily basis of the work that Ed did for this community. We now march on and try to complete some of his unfinished business and embark on new ventures.

As far as the politics involved, the City Council seats, Mayor titles and everything else that goes with the passing of a sitting council member, we will let the system work that out. The four remaining members have elected to open the application process to potentially appoint a person to fill the vacancy until the certification of the November 2018 election results. That election will now be for four of the five city council seats. Because Grimes' term was not complete until 2020, the election for his seat will not be subject to the recent districting and is open to any city resident and it will be for a two-year term. Once completed in 2020, any person running for election for that seat must reside in that specific district. The three other seats up for election in November will be subject to the council-approved districting.

For our City staff, their next steps remain the same, to continue to do great work and contribute to the quality of life that has made this community the most desirable in Kern County. Leaders like Ed were a part of that, but an educated, talented and hard-working staff is the backbone of those types of accomplishments. The staff will continue to make Tehachapi that shining beacon on the hill for others to emulate. There is plenty of hard work to be done as we pay homage to the City leaders that have gone before us, and together we will continue to pursue greatness for our community.

For our community members, I want to thank you for your involvement in honoring the memory of Ed Grimes, he would have appreciated the love and support shown for him and his family. Ed's passing was a reminder to all of us regarding the benefits of doing good things with a servant's heart. Many of those people took time out of their schedules last week to pay their respects to their friend, their coach, their mentor, their Mayor.

Business now continues in the City of Tehachapi and I am confident that my staff will continue to produce quality work, work that makes me proud to be the City Manager. My wish is that the community continue the spirit of Ed Grimes by taking care of one another, loving Tehachapi, promoting this community and taking full advantage of the quality of life we enjoy here in our town.

If you have any questions or ideas, please email me at [email protected] or stop by City Hall.