Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Summer Adventure Camp

Tehachapi Valley Recreation and Park District

Come play with us! Spend the day with old friends or make new ones as you create fantastic works of art, participate in fun and engaging games, learn new sports skills, and travel to exciting destinations. Each week is planned based on a central theme.

Summer Adventure Camp will utilize the Park District's fields and facilities to facilitate all indoor and outdoor activities. Monday–Friday will be organized play and activities. Out-of-town field trips will be on Friday every two weeks.

Breakfast and lunch are provided as part of the TUSD Summer Meals Program.

Mondays and Wednesdays are pool day (included with registration).

Age: 5 - 12 (must be 5 years old by the start of the session).

Registration: in person: 490 W. D St., Tehachapi or online: http://www.tvrpd.org.

Camp Times:

9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Camp

6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Extended Camp


Week 1 June 11 - June 15:

Welcome to Summer!

Week 2 June 18 - June 22:

Get Outdoors/Go Green!

Week 3 June 25 - June 29:

Campers Got Talent!

Week 4 July 2 - July 6: Heroes!

Week 5 July 9 - July 13: Spirit!

Week 6 July 16 - July 20: Wet & Wild!

Week 7 July 23 - July 27: Science!

Week 8 July 30 - August 3:

Space Explorers!

Week 9 August 6 - August 10:

End Summer with a Bang!


Daily Option for 6 hours or less $20.

Weekly Option for 6 hours or less $90.

Daily Option for 6 hours or more $25.

Weekly Option for 6 hours or more $115.

*Daily Option not available online.

For more information email [email protected] or call (661) 822-3228.