Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Spring Forth

Taste of Italian

Ahhhhh, the renewal of spring, don’t we all just love it! I’m back out on my beloved deck listening to the incessant chatter of at least a dozen varieties of birds mixed in with the hum of a leaf blower and the growl of a lawn mower. Spring is here and I love it. I’ve missed my deck; we had quite an affair going last year. I’d sneak out every morning to my special place with my steaming cup of coffee to greet the world in my favorite way.

Every morning when I sit on my deck overlooking Stallion Springs and the Cummings Valley, I fall in love all over again with these beautiful mountains we live in.

This particular morning, under one of the giant oaks was covered with bright green newly budding leaves, and an elk has join me – quietly relaxing in his hidden anonymity.

About seventy-five feet straight out from my deck, in the top of a magnificent fir tree a red-tail hawk has been minding her eggs for about three weeks now, while her mate delivers her meals, hot and fresh.

Spring is my favorite of the four seasons, as it is for many of you.

It’s a time of renewal, rebirth, rejuvenation, regrowth and resurrection; a do-over for the earth after the cold of winter. The days are getting longer and warmer, and pretty soon we’ll be complaining about the heat and hoping for autumn. It happens every year without fail.

Why is it we humans inevitably do that?

Why do we wish away what we have wished for, seemingly only happy wishing for the next thing, the next season, the next moment, the next.... Why is it we cannot be happy in the moment

We seem to spend our entire lives wishing them away…it’s the human condition.

I for one intend to spend the spring enjoying the beauty of our mountains and wishing it would never end.

Peace and blessings to all, and may you live in the moment.