Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Mastering the marketing game at the Chamber

Chamber Chat

Clare Scotti

In September, the Greater Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce will host a new series of courses dedicated to helping local businesses understand and master the world of marketing.

Taking place on six evenings in September, the Chamber will be hosting a comprehensive Business Marketing Course Series at The Village Collective Studio. Designed for entrepreneurs and business owners, these one-hour courses will offer insights into various marketing strategies and tools. This series is free for Chamber members and $50 per class, per person for non-members. Register online at [email protected]/.

The series kicks off on Sept. 9 at 5:30 p.m. with "The Science of Marketing," led by Tehachapi Valley Recreation and Parks District Recreation Manager Sarai Diaz and the GTCC's Executive Director Clare Scotti. This session emphasizes the critical role of branding in creating a memorable public image. Attendees will learn about the psychological impact of repeated brand exposure and how consistency can influence consumer decisions.

On Sept. 10, join Sarai Diaz and Claudia Baker, owner of The Loop newspaper, for "All Things Print Advertising." This course will cover effective design techniques, print quality and strategic advice for crafting compelling print ads, including innovative approaches like guerrilla marketing.

The focus shifts to digital strategies on Sept. 16 with "Finding Your Target Audience and Engaging with them," led by Amber Mitchell of HCP Marketing. This session will delve into identifying target audiences and developing engagement strategies to connect with them meaningfully.

Anyone interested in enhancing their social media game should not miss the Sept. 17 session, "Mastering Social Media for Business," with expert Clare Scotti. Learn how to navigate various social platforms, optimize your presence and create effective social media campaigns.

On Sept. 23, Key Budge and Mya Acosta from the City of Tehachapi's award-winning TehachaPod will present "Podcasting for Business." This course will explore the potential of podcasts as a marketing tool, and will guide you through the process of starting your own podcast or leveraging existing ones.

The series wraps up on Sept. 24 with "Geo-fencing and Ad Placement Strategies" by Corey Costelloe, Assistant City Manager for the City of Tehachapi. Learn about targeted marketing tools, such as geofencing and how they can help you with finding the best placement for your ads based on visitor data for Tehachapi. Discover tools, such as Google Ads, Taboola and other services that offer web/mobile ads.

Space is limited for this series, so grab your seat before it's too late: lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/4u4cuwv/.

Clare Scotti is the Executive Director of the Greater Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce.

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