Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Shift your stress to enthusiasm with hypnotherapy

Rosemary Powell, CMS, CHT, FNLP.

This is article No. 19 in a series. See previous The Loop newspaper issues on http://www.TheLoopNewspaper.com for more information, education and inspiration in how Joyful Life Hypnotherapy can help you have the joyful life you deserve.

At every client's first session with me, I introduce the concept of living in the now, living in the present moment. If we find our thoughts are frequently about past regrets and events, it brings us into a state of stress. And when our thoughts are filled with fear and worry about our future: relationships, finances, work and health, we bring stress into our mind and body. Eckhart Tolle's books, "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth" have changed my life. I suggest them to every client.

In the chapter on "Enthusiasm vs. Stress" from "A New Earth," Eckhart Tolle explores the distinction between genuine enthusiasm and the stress that often accompanies goal-oriented activity. Tolle explains that true enthusiasm arises from being aligned with the present moment and one's inner purpose. This state of enthusiasm is not driven by our ego's desires but by a sense of connection to something greater. When one is truly enthusiastic, there is an inner enjoyment in what they are doing.

Stress occurs when the ego dominates, pushing for results and outcomes to enhance its sense of self. This creates tension and anxiety because the focus shifts from the present moment to a future that has not yet happened. Stress arises from fears of not achieving goals or losing what has been gained. When actions are motivated by ego, they drain our energy and lead to burnout and health problems. In contrast, enthusiasm, which is rooted in the joy of the present moment, sustains and energizes. By cultivating awareness and staying connected to the present, one can maintain enthusiasm without falling into the trap of stress.

Hypnotherapy is a relaxed state of mind. The conscious mind is relaxed. Stress is relieved when in hypnotic trance, thoughts are no longer focused on the past or the future, but are on the present moment, focused, peaceful, centered, conscious. By using hypnosis to shift out of stress to enthusiasm, we embrace the present moment, let go of ego-driven goals, and experience joy in the process. Joy in our lives.

Contact me for a complimentary consultation. Hypnosis relieves stress, improves your health, relationships, and changes your life.

Joyful Life Hypnotherapy is located at 116 S. Robinson St., Tehachapi, (661) 238-9154.

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