Get ready for some Train Fun in Tehachapi the weekend of June 10-11.
Trains have been traditional gifts for young and old alike. The Tehachapi Loop Railroad Club would like to share their toys with all of you at their Spring Model Train Show to be held on Saturday, June 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, June 11 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Listen to the whistles, bells, huffing and chuffing as you watch the operating layouts in Large Scale, Lionel, S, Hon3 and Z Modules. It's a fun time for the public as well as the modelers. There will also be a promotions table, featuring gift items for the rail fans in your family: hats, shirts, mugs, pins, patches and more.
The Lancaster North Western Garden Railroad Club will be joining us with their "G" Gauge layout. The ZoCal club will be joining us with their Z scale layout. Southern California S-Gaugers Club will be joining us with their S scale layout. We will also have a bake sale. There will be vendors selling train and model train items.
The new location for the show will be at the Monroe Gymnasium (next to Coy Burnett Stadium) at the Corner of Snyder Ave. and Tehachapi Blvd. and, as always, admission is free. This is wonderful fun for all ages and all the railroaders are anxious to share their passion with everyone.
For more information call or text Mike at (661) 330-4814.