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There have been big changes in photography

Kiwanis Club of Tehachapi

A 1930 Kodak box camera was Wallace Kleck's first camera, and he explained the changes that have occurred in photography since then when he spoke to the Kiwanis Club recently. Since that first camera he has taken thousands of photos, although he is not a professional photographer, someone he defines as making a living taking photos. He considers himself semi-professional because he sold individual photos when he worked for a stock house. There was a time when this type of business would sell photos for books and magazines and split their sales with the photographer.

Kleck bought his first "good camera" in 1959 because he needed photos for his Master's thesis in geology. It was a used camera and cost about $25 or $30. It served him well and launched his career as a geology professor.

Cameras were greatly improved during subsequent years, and by 1975 telephoto lenses and middle range lenses became available. Kodachrome film was developed and pictures could be taken in color. Photos were sharper and more interesting.

According to Kleck, film disappeared about 1995, and this created a big change in photography. He explained that the terms photograph and camera are no longer accurate. Today we take images with computers. He marveled at computer programs that allow him to reframe and manipulate these images.

When asked how photography might further change, Kleck declined to say. He said he could not have imagined today's methods when he first began taking pictures many years ago.

Kiwanis meets at noon on Wednesdays at the Community Room in the Tehachapi Police Station. After some club business, there is always an interesting speaker. Guests and prospective members are welcome. Call 822-5379 for information.

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