Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Articles from the July 4, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 47

  • Blacksmith Automotive

    Mike West|Jul 4, 2015

    Hi, my name is Mike Weast. My wife Michelle and I have opened up a new auto repair facility on South St. in Old Town Tehachapi. We call it Blacksmith Automotive. I personally have over 40 years of experience in the automotive repair industry. I'm also a graduate of Ford School, Bender Brake and Suspension, Bendex Brake Repair and as you might guess, I know the old and new automobiles. We also have several very good employees. Robert served our country for seven years and then graduated from Bake...

  • FREE Concert July 11

    Jul 4, 2015

    Patrick Mitchell has been singing for 38 years and has been impersonating Elvis since he was six years old. On July 11 he will be bringing his show "Elvis & Others" to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Tehachapi. A dinner will be served prior to the show from 5 to 6 p.m. followed by vocals from Tanya, Patrick's fiancée. "Elvis & Others" will be from 7 to 9 p.m. with some of the "others" being Frank Sinatra, Neal Diamond, Bobby Darren and Dean Martin. Admission is free, so come...

  • Before you say, 'I Do'

    Tammy Engel, Mortgage Advisor|Jul 4, 2015

    Congratulations on your engagement! You probably want to begin your wedded life of bliss by buying your new home together. Or are you desperate to finish your divorce? Here is what you’ll want to consider about the timing of a home loan transaction when your marital status is about to change. When you’re single you can buy a home by qualifying on your own, or by qualifying with the other person (or people) who will live in that house with you. Credit-wise, you’ll qualify based on the worst...

  • Meet your new neighbors

    Pat Doody, Welcome Hostess|Jul 4, 2015

    Like many from Bakersfield, Sarah and Steven Settlemire longed to raise their family in the natural setting of the mountains. They had friends in the area so Tehachapi seemed a great place to settle. At the beginning of this year Steven, Sarah and one-year-old Levi found a home nestled in Bear Valley. Both of the Settlemires were born and raised in Bakersfield. Sarah has an older brother in Taft and a younger sister in high school and at home with her parents. Until she married, Sarah worked in...

  • Hail thee, alma mater!

    Pat Gracey|Jul 4, 2015

    With the Old Timer's Reunion coming up soon and this, being the 69th anniversary of my graduation from good old Tehachapi High, I will be meeting people who will say, "Pat! You haven't changed a bit!" I always reply, " You mean I looked this bad in high school?" Come on, now! Nice try. What they mean is, that they are glad to be able to even read the name tag on my chest and discover who I really am. Sometimes, when volunteering in the local Museum, I meet young students from Tehachapi High...

  • Auditions for DNA July 10th, 11th, 12th

    Jul 4, 2015

    The new TCT season is being launched with DNA by Dennis Kelly, the story about a group of teenagers who hang out together. The play begins after a catastrophe where the group’s antics spiraled out of control and, for one poor guy, things ended very badly. The author provides us with the incident, the panic, and the aftermath, as the gang puts their hierarchical system to one side in order to formulate an elaborate cover-up. It is an edgy, fast-paced, thought provoking play about the disasters associated with bullying in high school, a timely a...

  • 'Such A Time' by Kate Breslin

    Lauraine Snelling|Jul 4, 2015

    A June evening, a delightful breeze at the end of a 90 degree day, sitting out on my deck, flowers in pots, the fountain running, apcat not thrilled that the computer is on my lap instead of her, a neighbor’s dog barking, and the cottonwood tree whispering in the breeze describe my idea of a perfect evening. I am grateful for a laptop that allows me to work outside instead of in my office. Two nights ago I finished reading a novel that might end up on my top ten must-be-read list. Not sure w...

  • Taiko drumming at Cub Lake – July 11

    Jul 4, 2015

    The Bear Valley Cultural Arts Association is pleased to present taiko drumming at Cub Lake on July 11, 2015 from 3-4 p.m. with discussion to follow. Bring your chairs and refreshments for a gala afternoon. We will feature Kristofer Bergstrom and Jason Osajima from the Los Angeles Taiko Institute performing their newest works. They will also review taiko drumming as an art form and enlighten us about the art and challenge of practice. Kristofer Bergstrom performs and teaches taiko professionally in Los Angeles. After four years studying taiko...

  • Drama Day Camp Fun in July

    Jul 4, 2015

    Tehachapi Community Theatre (TCT) will hold a Drama Day Camp this summer directed by Monica Nadon. "Campers" will have fun while learning the basics of acting for the theatre. They will learn theatre games that are not only fun but help build confidence in performing. They will also learn about stage direction, blocking, diaphragmatic breathing, auditioning, monologues, skits, theatre etiquette and much more! The week long camp will end with actors performing what they learned for family and...

  • Sand Canyon CERT Emergency Evacuation Training Drill – June 20

    Jul 4, 2015

    On Saturday June 20, 2015 the Sand Canyon CERT team hosted an Emergency Evacuation Training Drill from 9 until noon with the assistance of the Wildland Fire Camp 8 personnel. The CERT team handed out information packets to Sand Canyon residents containing ReadyKern, Fire Safe Defensible Space, and FOR-CERT brochures and invited those interested to join a caravan from Umtali Rd. and Sand Canyon Rd. to the LEHIGH (Williamson Rd.) exit to Tehachapi Blvd. The route traverses private property and the...

  • Relay for Life is upon us

    Terence G. Brady, Brady Chiropractic|Jul 4, 2015

    On Saturday, July 11 Tehachapi will host another event that will raise money for the American Cancer Society, Tehachapi’s own Relay for Life. My team, which is called TEAM WALKABOUT for my Australian heritage, is planning a great experience to help with that money raising effort. Our area will be decorated with all things Australian, which will include Aussie stuff and Aboriginal artifacts that I hope will be interesting to people. There will be drawings and raffles for two quilts made by the T...

  • TRANS-Formation

    Victoria Alwin, MSRD|Jul 4, 2015

    Earlier this month the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement that: “Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs) are not Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)” and that the food industry has three years to remove these fats from their products. The part of the PHOs which is not safe is the type of fat known as “trans fats.” Looking at some of the comments that were made from online citizens is that the government should not, and does not, have the right to ban these fats. This is another reality check moment. First, the FDA has been tr...

  • Leap second

    Mark Fisher, Doc|Jul 4, 2015

    On June 30th we had a leap second added to the year. A leap second? That’s right, a second. We’re all familiar with the leap day we add to the year every 4 years (next year will be one). That day is added to keep our calendars aligned with the stars. When someone asks how many days in a year, we automatically say 365. And that’s pretty close. But it actually takes us about 365.25 days. That extra quarter of a day gets added together every four years into a leap day. (Actually it’s not really...

  • Reduce your taxes

    Jay Thompson|Jul 4, 2015

    If you are like most of us, paying your taxes just emptied your wallet and you are just now getting over the pain from April 15th. Now is the time to start planning for next year and to resolve making the hit a little less painful. The plan is to be mindful of your taxes everyday. You need to prepare all year long so that when April 15th comes again next year, and it will, you are ready and you are in the driver’s seat. What you need to know is there are two tax systems in the USA, one for t...

  • "Soap for Success," "Jeans for Teens," and "Bells a 'Ringing"

    Nancy Bacon, Reverend|Jul 4, 2015

    How many times a day do you wash your hands – with soap? How do you feel when the bathroom sink you’re at has no soap? When I was in Uganda, I saw only two people ask for money, but frequently villagers would ask, “Do you have any soap?” Homeless people in our country need soap, too. Soap prevents disease and infection - keeping you from being ill, and extending your life. During the month of July, my church at E and Green Streets in Tehachapi, will be doing a “Soap for Success” campaign, a...

  • Best intentions?

    Diana Frieling|Jul 4, 2015

    I have seen so many stories in the news lately centering around animal rights, it kind of leaves me wondering who these advocates are and what their motives might be. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has fought for years to end the use of elephants in the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Baily Circus. They have filed multiple lawsuits for animal cruelty. You have probably read about these; they draw a lot of media attention. What you have not read is that each of these lawsuits has...

  • Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI) Part 1

    Jennifer Williams, President J. Williams Personal Financial Planning|Jul 4, 2015

    What is long-term care insurance (LTCI)? Long-term care insurance (LTCI) is a contractual arrangement that pays a selected dollar amount per day for a selected period of time for skilled, intermediate, or custodial care in nursing homes and other settings (such as home health care). Because Medicare and other forms of health insurance do not pay for custodial care, many nursing home residents have only three alternatives for paying their nursing home bills: their own assets (cash, investments),...

  • Improve Fuel Economy

    Protect Auto Service|Jul 4, 2015

    What can I do to improve fuel economy? There are actually a lot of things you can do – some of them are pretty easy. One of the first things you should do is make sure your tires are properly inflated. On the inside of the driver’s door or door jamb is a plate that indicates the correct tire pressure. Careful – there might be a different pressure for the front and rear tires. Check them at least once a month. Carrying extra weight in the vehicle hurts. Leave unnecessary stuff home. Do we even need to mention driving fast and jackrabbit start...

  • Summer Stroll around Downtown gives a glimpse into the past - July 11

    Charles White|Jul 4, 2015

    On Saturday, July 11 have an early dinner in Downtown Tehachapi then join the Tehachapi Heritage League for a stroll through history. Meet at 6 p.m. at the Tehachapi Depot for a short presentation on the history of early buildings in the downtown area. Many of the buildings were destroyed in the 1952 earthquake but there are wonderful old photos and descriptions that will allow you to envision them again. After the presentation the groups will walk about 8 blocks and along the way we will focus...

  • New fire engine: First of its kind and built just for Tehachapi service

    Nick Smirnoff|Jul 4, 2015

    Two years in the making, designed for a major purpose yet versatile enough for year round operation, Tehachapi's newest fire engine was delivered to Station 12 on South Curry Street in Tehachapi on June 26. Fully was funded by the Wind Industry under the guidance of Kern County 2nd District Supervisor Zack Scrivner and Kern County Fire Chief Brian Marshall and Deputy Fire Chief John Silliman. Designed and built for use in fires associated with wind turbines, the Class III all terrain/all season...

  • Cheers to Charity call to art – Calling all local artists: Enter to win!

    Jul 4, 2015

    We cheer on our favorite team; We toast the new bride and groom; We cheer for the underdog…and cheer louder when they win! Cheers to Charity is asking local artists to create artwork illustrating the exuberance of such celebrations! Because our event is all about “Cheering on some of our favorite Charities”, we invite artists to capture the celebration; to illustrate the toast; to photograph the moments; to reflect the celebration of life … in your medium of choice. Our annual Cheers to Charity Food, Craft Beer and Wine event, to be held on...

  • 'Charlee' now at Tehachapi Treasure Trove

    Jul 4, 2015

    The ribbon cutting for 'Charlee's" was held inside Tehachapi Treasure Trove and was celebrated with community members on June 19. Please come by the Tehachapi Treasure Trove and see all her new creations, which include jewelry, handmade bags and darling little hand painted jewelry boxes. Congratulations to Charlotte Ruse on her opening. Pictured above (l-r) Susanna Monette, Tina Larsen, Charlotte Ruse, Harriet Clendenin and Pat Doody and in the back Sandra Dresche and Tommy Baker. Treasure...

  • The Dance Craze hosts "A Red Carpet Affair"

    Jul 4, 2015

    The Lancaster Performing Arts Center filled as 96 dancers waited excitedly for their turn to dance. From two year olds dressed in pink sparkly tutus, to a seven-year dancer tying her pointe shoes, they were all anxious to show the audience what they had learned over the past year. There were two shows full of dances which showcased beautiful costumes, technique and a passion which the dancers showed on the big and beautifully custom lit stage. The theme of the recital was “A Red Carpet Affair” and was complete with a red carpet entrance and...

  • Jessica Grant receives TMQG scholarship

    Jul 4, 2015

    Tehachapi Mountain Quilt Guild is pleased to announce our Art Scholarship of $1500 was awarded to Jessica Grant. She just graduated with high honors from the Tehachapi branch of Valley Oaks Charter High School and her work will soon be published in the upcoming art book, Acrylic Works 3. During her high school years, she has worked at Woodward West during the summer and The Art Studio since 2011 where she also teaches art students on an individual basis. Jessica has won many different art contests, including a first place in oil painting at the...

  • Mojave's Summer Science Academy learns about mining

    Kathleen Kline|Jul 4, 2015

    Denise Talvitie, of the Golden Queen Mining Company LLC, in Mojave, a 30 plus year mining professional and an 18 year member of Women in Mining introduced mining to about 40 kids on June 25. The kids, ranging in age from eight to junior high school, are attending Mojave’s Summer Science Academy. Through the Women in Mining’s educational division, Talvitie, using chocolate chip cookies, was able to present mining and much that goes into mining to the children who excel in science. “We give them a piece of graph paper, a cookie and a tooth...

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